Recent content by gpark009

  1. gpark009

    Brooder Ideas

    That or put up two long runs on each side of the shed from ground. Back just isn't what it used to be with bending over all the time.
  2. gpark009

    Brooder Ideas

    If I build it off the ground I can possibly push the width to 4 feet wide and still have a horseshoe configuration so I can move around in there and have some functionality.
  3. gpark009

    Brooder Ideas

    Roughly if I push to 3ft bottoms it'll be 100 square feet give and take. Regarding the top I plan on adding a top just not right off the bat. After looking more deeply. I am debating on just building it off the ground and not up like a shelf. With that I can extend the side height taller.
  4. gpark009

    Brooder Ideas

    I can always go wider I have the room in the shed, just trying to make it most accessible as possible
  5. gpark009

    Brooder Ideas

    I have multiple grow out cages for them already and two flight cages. My issue is getting them over that hump in brooder and out of my wife's house lol. What I meant by 2x2 was 2 foot wide bottom and 2 foot tall sides, and encompassing the whole shed sides with it. Making it a horseshoe design...
  6. gpark009

    Brooder Ideas

  7. gpark009

    Brooder Ideas

    Hey everyone I have this old metal shed and about 450 bobwhite quail hatching mid may. I was just wanting pick at people's ideas about brooder for them. I'm thinking of a 2x2 open top plywood brooder up like a shelf and built in a horseshoe. Has anyone had success or any better ideas?
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