Recent content by gr0m1t

  1. gr0m1t

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    Just discovered that magnesium is a mild diuretic. It reduces edema (swelling due to lymph system failure). So lucky that the only calcium I had was in the form of a calcium/magnesium/zinc tablet. Just about to give her another dose. He abdomen just feels mushy now. She's walking normally and...
  2. gr0m1t

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    I think she's almost OK. She's no longer walking as if she has spent the day on a horse. The swelling is gone. She's back full time with the flock. Gave her a last colloidal silver dose and tomorrow will give her the last calcium/magnesium and zinc. (forgot today). She's eating, drinking and...
  3. gr0m1t

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    She was back on her perch when I got in yesterday only the 2nd time she has made it. Today I can see even more improvement. Her head is almost moving off her shoulders, the abdomenal swelling is definitely reduced. I had forgotten electrolytes. Will give her some coconut water (I keep...
  4. gr0m1t

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I had difficulty with the colloidal silver this pm. She wouldn't have it. Let's hope she'll take it 3 times tomorrow.
  5. gr0m1t

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    UPDATE: VERY SWOLLEN, HARD, HOT, ABDOMEN. She's much happier this morning. Was actually making little noises at me. Walked well to get to the chook pen when I took her downstairs. Eating and drinking but not so much water. Only one pooh overnight. Poohing smaller puddles except for one huge one...
  6. gr0m1t

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    Very swollen, Hard, Hot Abdomen UPDATE Gave her Calcium/magnesium/zinc (only source of Calcium I had and apparently magnesium can help chooks pooh) Still giving her colloidal silver 3 times a day. Has shown interest in eating and definitely eaten some mash and seeds. She tucked into a load of...
  7. gr0m1t

    How to delete a post

    thx guys I'll put x2
  8. gr0m1t

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    Yes, good idea. I have some kefir. I often give it to the chooks. The volume of fluid she is pooping is scary. I'm hoping that somehow the swelling is draining, but she looks so miserable, Come to think of it, the fluid almost has the consistency of raw egg white. Maybe she is sort of egg bound...
  9. gr0m1t

    Fajita has a swollen abdomen and was clenching and unclenching her abdomen

    She has a very tight belly, but no respiratory distress. She's just forlorn. :(. she flew out out my hands yesterday and rolled down the last 3 stairs, that hasn't helped). She's now limping slightly and doing these huge puddles of diarrhea
  10. gr0m1t

    Fajita has a swollen abdomen and was clenching and unclenching her abdomen

    Thanks for your reply. I am giving her colloidal silver which is an antibiotic/ anti viral and anti fungal. But having looked up the description of Ascites earlier, I decided it probably wasn't that, It's a meat-bird disease and much less common in layers also more common at high altitudes and...
  11. gr0m1t

    How to delete a post

    I've just tried to delete my new post having found the 'edit pencil' so I was able to edit my original post. I was not allowed to submit the update having cleared the whole post. Said I can't post a blank message.
  12. gr0m1t

    The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

    New Emergency: Very swollen, Hard, Hot Abdomen UPDATE: She drank the colloidal silver from my hand this morning. She also drank water from bowl. Has eaten a tiny amount of dry mash She's looking the worst she has. Very still, head in (as per top picture) There was an amazingly large pooh beside...
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