Recent content by Graceowen

  1. G

    Fancy Chickens Thread. Show Off Those Fancy Birds!!!

    This is my appenzeller x, named Karen. She's super sassy!
  2. G

    10 week old Barnevelder

    Thanks all for your replies! I was very worried because of how her saddle feathers look, but the consensus seems to be girl!
  3. G

    10 week old Barnevelder

    Hi there folks, I have had terrible luck with my day olds, with 3 out of 4 so far growing up and turning out to be boys. My last original here. Am I lying to myself, or is she actually a she?
  4. G

    Chick breed guesses

    Your chicky is looking just like my gold spangled hamburg at that age!
  5. G

    What Are Your Chickens Named After?

    My first chicken I named Duchess after the white cat in the Aristocats. This bunch have older gen names, apart from one Adelaide Beatrice Deirdre And Kes, who my partner named after a character in Star Trek
  6. G

    3.5 week old black australorp M/F?

    Thanks folks. I feared as much. Hopefully a she when its older and easier to tell. I'm waiting on either crowing or eggs lol
  7. G

    3.5 week old black australorp M/F?

    Hello! I'm fully aware that it's hard to see chick's gender at this age, but she's the only one who hasn't grown tail feathers in my little flock. Admittedly, it's a mixed flock of Barnevelder, Araucana, Hamburg and the Australorp. Any thoughts? (Sorry about the colour. The camera went a bit...
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