Recent content by GracieJ

  1. GracieJ

    Premature duckling with gammy leg! Help please!

    yes it does!
  2. GracieJ

    Premature duckling with gammy leg! Help please!

    Duckling was born prematurely two days ago. He was struggling to get out of his shell after his mother accidentally cracked it and was struggling to breathe so had to get him out of there. First night he was touch and go but kept him warm all night. By the next day he was fluffy and alert ish...
  3. GracieJ

    Help! My duck is unwell! Can’t walk and won’t eat.

    Thank you so much! Update: Riddick is in the kitchen for his rehabilitation. He’s got one dose of antibiotics left and he can walk a bit more today, he still loses his balance but can now pick himself up when he does! Fingers crossed and please pray for him to get back to full health. He eats a...
  4. GracieJ

    Help! My duck is unwell! Can’t walk and won’t eat.

    Thank you both for your help. Update: I took him back to the vets yesterday as a vet called Will wanted to see him. He had more experience in poultry and waterfowl and stated it was 100% neurological and that the only step next would be to take him to a specialist to run tests. He also gave him...
  5. GracieJ

    noisy female ducks...ideas?

    Update :D we have grown used to the calls. I’m not concerned anymore as I realised now what exactly triggers it. Usually it’s - treat time, food time, time to come out of the pen, calling each other to reunite, a rat is around (ew) or another predator, or they discovered someone in the back...
  6. GracieJ

    Help! My duck is unwell! Can’t walk and won’t eat.

    One night I discovered one of my drake, Riddick, couldn’t walk very well so I assumed he had sprained a leg and put him in his pool for some physio and rest. After putting them to bed, the next morning he couldn’t walk at all!! We took him to the vets and she gave him antibiotics (baytril) and...
  7. GracieJ

    noisy female ducks...ideas?

    Yes thank you I understand that also.
  8. GracieJ

    noisy female ducks...ideas?

    Okay I obviously posted a 'stupid question'. thank you anyway.
  9. GracieJ

    noisy female ducks...ideas?

    Yes that's a good point too! They may be Yes thank you I know that :) I was just wondering if I could be doing something to help settle them that is all and as I have stated above, when mating season comes, they are separated, but thanks anyway :thumbsup
  10. GracieJ

    noisy female ducks...ideas?

    Haha yes they are certainly loud but I don't mind it personally! just worried about neighbours. :D No, at this point in time, they just follow the females everywhere like body guards but no chasing. When it comes to mating I'll be splitting them up for the hens' safety. Though Myrtle has to stay...
  11. GracieJ

    noisy female ducks...ideas?

    Hello, I have five male and two female call ducks and they are my babies!! However, my two females, mainly the youngest one (6mnths old) are 'calling' nearly all of the time, every 20/30 mins or so. At first I thought it was hilarious and cute (and I still do) but now I'm worried neighbours...
  12. GracieJ

    My duck has laid her eggs in the rabbit burrow...

    Okay quick update!! Day 12 yesterday so I candled them: some are just yellow inside which makes me believe they are just normal unfertilised eggs. Then some have a shadow on one side and I can see the air sacks!! So fingers crossed I’m hoping some hatch, but we will have to see x
  13. GracieJ

    My duck has laid her eggs in the rabbit burrow...

    Thank you very much. I feel better today, you’re totally right, if they’d hatched under there it would have been a maze, they wouldn’t have been able to walk properly as the ground was very uneven under there. I’ve put them all in a bed of straw, on top of a furry water bottle and marked each...
  14. GracieJ

    My duck has laid her eggs in the rabbit burrow...

    I have another hen but she’s young and wouldn’t understand yet. Thank you for your reassurance. It has really upset me as I think the eggs are now lost. I was so excited and can’t help think I’m so stupid and I should have just left it as it was. Hopefully she’ll have more soon x
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