Recent content by grammychick12

  1. grammychick12

    Ducks And Chickens Together

    thank you
  2. grammychick12

    Ducks And Chickens Together

    I have a drake now trying to mate with my chickens. they are all nearly 5 months old. there are 2 female ducks and 6 chickens, then Eugene. I was able earlier just to distract him, but now he is getting more aggressive toward the chickens. today he is in duck jail...but is this gonna be the way...
  3. grammychick12

    night light?

    Thanks. I had read that the ducks need 24 hours of light til 8 or 9 wks of age but wasn't sure about the chicks.
  4. grammychick12

    night light?

    our nearly 6 week old chicks have been outside in enclosure for about 3 weeks now with no problems (knock on wood) we have a coop and they are ready to go roost just about sundown daily. we close it up to protect from possible predators. My question is do they need a light on in the coop at...
  5. grammychick12

    who quacks first? girls or boys?

    Thank you very much for the info! Guess you can tell I am still learning. If the drake doesn't quack, will he just be chirping and peeping always? lol my husband says makes him seem girly. Thanks again
  6. grammychick12

    who quacks first? girls or boys?

    we have 3 blue swiss ducklings almost 6 weeks old. one started quacking nearly 3 weeks ago. one a week later...the last still chirps and peeps. is there a difference in quacking between the girls and boys? the peeper is supposed to be the boy, but we're not sure because one of the 'females' is...
  7. 4 wks

    4 wks

  8. the ducks

    the ducks

    Penny, Lucy and Eugene @ 4 wks
  9. grammychick12

    lazy coop cleaner here

    yeah I do that now sorta, but the ducks just keep everything so messy...I am still learning. Thanks
  10. grammychick12

    lazy coop cleaner here

    great ideas!! thanks. like I said I'm so new to this but it's still fun. I keep gleaning info from everyone here..
  11. grammychick12

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    don't know how I found this thread lol , but I am so glad I did!! Like to add a quote if I could: "My life is perfect, even when it's not" - Ellen Degeneres
  12. grammychick12

    lazy coop cleaner here

    I'm new to all this and love all the info I have picked up on this site. Thanks to everyone. Our ducks are soooo messy in their coop requiring a nearly daily cleaning...ya know that shelf liner stuff for your kitchen shelves? I put that on the floor of their coop and nesting box and clean up is...
  13. grammychick12

    Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

    I think I read 5-7 days. Penny is gonna HATE being wrapped. and Vitamins...thanks
  14. grammychick12

    Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

    thank you. I saw the thread on wrapping. I appreciate your time
  15. grammychick12

    Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

    Penny is always on the right side (looking at pic) next to her is Eugene and last is Lucy. They seem to have no probs. Thanks
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