Recent content by gratzalk

  1. gratzalk

    hen having trouble walking

    I gave her Calcium, Selenium, and Electrolytes. Guess I'll see how she holds up. All seems to be good for now.
  2. gratzalk

    hen having trouble walking

    She seems to be back to normal now. I've not given her any meds or vitamins for the last probably 1 1/2 - 2 weeks. She gets around just as she did originally. I'm wondering if I should possibly keep her on Calcium daily or periodically or just kind of see if it happens again? Thoughts?
  3. gratzalk

    hobbling chicken

    I have a Rhode Island Red that's probably about 3 years old and is having trouble walking. She seems still somewhat perky, if you will. She's not blah or droopy or anything. She just can't walk very far. She's not laid eggs in a long time so she's not egg bound. She stays in the coop and...
  4. gratzalk

    hen having trouble walking

    I have a Rhode Island Read and she is probably 3 years old. While she seems half-way perky, not drowsy or "blah", she's not using her feet much. She just kind of hops or drags a bit. She stays in the coop and last night she did 'bounce' over to get inside in the house, so she is mobile a bit...
  5. gratzalk

    Bald butt and swollen below vent.

    How does one get peritonitis and is it curable? I lost my hen recently with the swollen red butt, however, she wasn't eating anything either. And definitely not perky. Maybe it was something else.
  6. gratzalk

    Bald butt and swollen below vent.

    Unfortunately we lost her last night. Bummer. Even though she had an attitude and pecked me a lot, ya still hate to lose them. I still wonder what the problem was. I did just read a post where they had the same situation and after the hen died they opened her up and found a tumor. So one...
  7. gratzalk

    Bald butt and swollen below vent.

    Forgive me if the answer I'm looking for is in an earlier post but when I did a search for bald swollen butt, I got these posts. And while they started a few years back, there were 14 pages so I didn't read them all. I have a Rhode Island Red and she's 1 - 1/2 years old and she's been my...
  8. gratzalk

    Lethargic chicken with fever

    I have a Rhode Island Red that's probably a year or better and she's been a faithful layer. And they're huge. Anyway, she stopped laying a couple of weeks ago and now she's lethargic. Actually now she's not doing much of anything vs. lethargic. I've been giving her antibiotics and...
  9. gratzalk

    Lethargic chicken with a fever

    I have a New Hampshire named Becky (Bitchy Becky actually - but that's another story). Anyway, she's become lethargic and feels like she has a fever. Very warm compared to the others. She was laying eggs regularly until about two weeks ago. She just stopped and like I said, she's not...
  10. gratzalk

    Lethargic Chicken

    I went in to check on them in the coop and tell them good night and I held her (Becky) and she seemed very warm like she has a fever. Any guesses on that and what to do there?
  11. gratzalk

    Lethargic Chicken

    I've got one doing the same thing too. She's a New Hampshire and a reliable layer with huge eggs almost every day until about a week or two ago and she stopped laying. I've noticed today how she's quite lethargic and not interacting with anyone else. I was wondering if maybe she was possibly...
  12. gratzalk

    Yawning Pullet

    So I'm assuming it worked?
  13. gratzalk

    Yawning Pullet

    Her yawning is methodical. Every other second essentially. It's not like she's gasping for air, it's just like a reflex or something. And as far as her eating, she's not eating anything. I've tried pieces of hard boiled egg and other things, but she doesn't even peck. I just squirt stuff...
  14. gratzalk

    Yawning Pullet

    If I start her on a vitamin therapy am I just grasping at straws. Because, the initial problem (that I saw anyway) was the 'yawning'. Would that be caused from a vitamin deficiency?
  15. gratzalk

    Yawning Pullet

    I'll continue to do what I'm doing for a bit and watch for signs of progress. Do you know a half-way descent way of culling if I need that? I can't shoot her; what if I/we miss? Plus I don't want that stuck in my head. Don't want to chop off the head and watch the body flop around. Anything...
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