Recent content by GreenMum

  1. GreenMum

    2023 - the year I start breeding a good dual purpose bird ... and girls that lay me some...

    2023 - the year I start breeding a good dual purpose bird ... and girls that lay me some colourful eggs :love
  2. GreenMum

    Canadians check in here....

    Get any eggs yet? I totally remember waiting for the first eggs to appear! It was so exciting when they finally started!
  3. GreenMum

    Canadians check in here....

    Hey Shan30! I too am out here in BC, not as far as you though The only hatchery I've used is Performance Poultry; they have a huge selection of birds and I personally have had pretty good experiences with them. They are back in Ontario but they airship them out here. Do be aware that they...
  4. GreenMum

    Canadians check in here....

    Excellent advice. Thanks!
  5. GreenMum

    Canadians check in here....

    That's a great idea! Could turn out to be expensive if your flock is a bit larger but still could be something to look at for general maintenance. Right now my girls are a bit crowded - I had to bring my ducks back into the sheltered chicken yard because an owl decided to have one for a snack...
  6. GreenMum

    Canadians check in here....

    Performance Poultry in Ontario, that's where I got my buff Chanteclers. I know he offers partridge and white too. Hope you find what you are looking for.
  7. GreenMum

    Exchequer Leghorn...Boy or Girl?

    Thank you. They are very strange in their behaviour, though. If I reach to pet one they will bolt like wildfire, but they will gather about me all while I'm working in the coop, following me everywhere I go. They weave their way between my legs as I walk (just like cats!), will come and eat...
  8. GreenMum

    Exchequer Leghorn...Boy or Girl?

    You are correct Annie, she is a girl. Any ideas when these Exchequer Leghorn eggs will start to size up? I pretty much have all pullet eggs from my new batch of layers but even with them being pullet eggs, the one from my E.L. are significantly smaller.
  9. GreenMum

    Canadians check in here....

    as soon as my birds start sneezing or sniffling i make them a mash of oatmeal with lots of garlic and cayenne pepper. depending on what i have in the house, i will add yogurt and kelp. i also put apple cider vinegar in their water. there is a forum here for diseases, too. there are quite a...
  10. GreenMum

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    LOL Not that day, but we did end up putting him in the pot. He got way too aggressive and I got tired of trying to keep him mellow while others were antagonizing him :( He did make the best stock I have ever made.
  11. GreenMum

    Wee Tiny Egg

    Yup, and there is definitely no yolk. Thanks for the input, I've been wondering about these for years! Good to know that there's nothing wrong with my girls.
  12. GreenMum

    Wee Tiny Egg

    Can anyone tell me what's up with this? In this picture I have regular sized eggs, pullet eggs, and this wee tiny egg. I find them every once in a while. Any thoughts or insight about what these wee tiny eggs are about is much appreciated!
  13. GreenMum

    Canadians check in here....

    I've had good experience with them also. I do have to have them air-shipped as BC is a bit far to drive. I lost one on day two of this current batch; and think I've lost maybe three others in total from them. I agree, Jason is quite good. He will take the time to discuss things with you too.
  14. GreenMum

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    We have a traveling butcher here where I live. He has apparently been doing the local farms' slaughter for about 30 years. As for an actual butcher, the only place you can take your chickens to be processed is a government facility that honestly I just don't want to be involved with. Needless...
  15. GreenMum

    Canadians check in here....

    Anybody ever order from Performance Poultry in Ontario? They have a huge selection and air-ship too.
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