Recent content by gretchen3212

  1. gretchen3212

    My 8 week old hens and their unique colors

    These 2 pullets are out of a hatch of 13 that i raised the dad was a blue laced red wyandotte and the hens were red sex link. Most of the hatch were buffs but unfortunately they all turned out to be roosters. However these two are so unique and beautiful i just had to share. I'm not sure of the...
  2. gretchen3212

    what killed my chicken during the day?

    I went out to the coop to close up about 4:30 pm and found one of my bantam roosters completely defeathered except his wings hollowed out and his head and neck missing I have the pen enclosed with 6 1/2 foot tall chicken wire that dropped into the ground 1 ft. And has a gravel border around it...
  3. gretchen3212

    what color is my chicken (the result of two different wyandotte colors)

    this chick was the result of a blue laced red Wyandotte rooster and a Columbian Wyandotte hen, both pictured below. looking up chicken colors online I have been able to find similar colors and patterns but nothing quite like this. is anyone else familiar with this color?
  4. my flock

    my flock

    my mix of chickens full size and bantams, hens and roosters.
  5. gretchen3212

    new member from ohio...I also have a question

    Hi, I'm Gretchen and I have a young red pullet currently sitting on eggs. The eggs aren't hers as my young hens have never been with a rooster. The eggs are blue laced red wyandotte (my rooster) and auracana or rhode island red (my older hens). I'm letting her sit on about 8 eggs and they are...
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