Recent content by gullybrush

  1. gullybrush

    Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

    I cured my chick in 4-5 days with a liquid vitamin E capsule. Cut the end off and dip the chick's beak in it 2-3 times a day. If the chick smacks her beak, she's getting some in her system. I got this info from Backyard Chickens and it worked for me and Izzie
  2. gullybrush

    Grain that deters egg laying

    Okay, I've been studying my chickens. They have two yards (40x40 and a 30x50) with daily access to both and my 40x60 garden from July to early September and and November to March. I check the yards to see if they're laying outside, but not. The coop is 12x24 with 6 nests. They have a shaded...
  3. gullybrush

    Grain that deters egg laying

    Just trying to figure out why 13 hens, with no change in diet or other changes, consistently lay one or two eggs a day for the last three months. About 5 of the hens are 3-4 years old, but I know at least two of them still lay weird looking old lady eggs, but good egg a day from...
  4. gullybrush

    Grain that deters egg laying

    A couple of years ago, I read something on Backyard that discussed a grain or grains that may lessen egg production. Would anyone know anything about this? Thanks
  5. gullybrush

    Egg parts

    This is within the last couple of months. Eggcessive's links answered most of my concerns. No telling which hen lays these eggs, but I get about one every other day so don't think it's a "flock" problem. I do have 4 or 5 old hens and since none of my chicks have symptoms of infectious...
  6. gullybrush

    Egg parts

    I checked them also and will keep them on file. Really informative.
  7. gullybrush

    Egg parts

    Really good, informative links. Thanks so much.
  8. gullybrush

    Egg parts

    Thanks for your reply. My feed ingredients are basically the same within 1%, except my feed has something called Phytase and has something to do with phosphorous. I read about it but have to admit I didn't quite understand it. I had another response with some good links to visit. One had a...
  9. gullybrush

    Egg parts

    I have at least one chicken (of 16) that lays a long slender egg about 2-1/2 to 2-3/4" long. The small end tip is thin shelled and looks kind of wadded up and the thick and thin albumin is very thin and spreads out in a frying pan like an old egg from the store. Otherwise, everything looks...
  10. gullybrush


    Duh...I never heard of nest box liners. Good idea and thanks. I'll ask at the chicken store.
  11. gullybrush


    Has anyone had this problem? I have hay in my laying boxes. The hens push it aside and when they raise up to drop an egg, the egg hits the wood bottom and cracks. This happens two or three times a month. I tried putting bubble wrap on the wood and then hay, but they peck at the bubble wrap...
  12. gullybrush


    A guy gave me 7 barred rock layers. When I got them home, I noticed that three of them had no feathers around the vent area and two had no feathers on their back just above the tail and the vent area, about a 2 to 3" diameter area. Of course, I isolated them from my own chickens, but am...
  13. gullybrush


    Thanks Dawg53,
  14. gullybrush


    Is it OK to worm chickens while they're molting? Since there are no eggs in both instances, I thought maybe (how does one say "kill two birds with one stone" on a chicken forum)? Thanks for any help.
  15. gullybrush

    chicken grit/crushed oyster shell

    My chicks are just cross-bred mutts and a few barred rocks, but I was thinking about some Leghorns. For eggs, maybe it's quite a bit colder in Colorado than in Texas. Mine do slow down in Jan & Feb. Thanks for the info.
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