Recent content by HaiHaiHens

  1. HaiHaiHens

    Cracked egg

    Sorry also all other eggs went in with this egg so all are due to hatch if any within the same time as the 1 that is cracked.
  2. HaiHaiHens

    Cracked egg

    Peafowl eggs. I just accidently dropped a egg while taking out the turner try. Its day 25 of 28. I put some clear tape over the crack which is very small. It cracked on the pointer side end. I see or nor feel anything coming out.its smaller then a dime. Is there anything I should try different...
  3. HaiHaiHens

    Peacock colors

    My girls are full blooded blues. I'm confused about these 2 white babies. They do free range but never leave our 2 acres. And as far as I know none of our neighbors even have peacocks
  4. HaiHaiHens

    Peacock colors

    Im.curious about my peachicks color and how they came to be. I have a Indian blue w/white gene male. And Indian blue peahens but today my peahen came home with 2 whites and a Indian blue. How did she hatch whites?
  5. HaiHaiHens


    Ok. I will try my hardest to weigh them. Thanks again.. I maybe back on here tomorrow lol..
  6. HaiHaiHens


    Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.
  7. HaiHaiHens


    And I give them just 1 ml. Omgoodness there's no way I can over dose them? I'm super scary lol
  8. HaiHaiHens


    So the pic i posted is not the right 1?
  9. HaiHaiHens


    This one here. Uploading pic.
  10. HaiHaiHens


    And this is the one. Pic uploading
  11. HaiHaiHens


    Sorry I ment wazine
  12. HaiHaiHens


    Oh wow!! I'm so nervous to do that lol.. I read where I can dilute it with water and leave it out for 2 days instead of 1 like the waking. Thats what I'm most comfortable using but according to my feed store its no longer available 😢
  13. HaiHaiHens


    So would i put the goat wormer in water or straight in their mouth?These are serama chickens and roos minis.
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