Recent content by HappyChickadee

  1. HappyChickadee

    my chicks feel thin

    I tried googling information. My chicks were originally on medicated started and i switched them to organic chick feed a couple of weeks ago. But I feel like it does not have anything to do with the food because i see them eating often. There is one in the bunch that is sort of fat and the other...
  2. HappyChickadee

    Barred Rock thread!!

    So precious!
  3. HappyChickadee

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    I picked her from the pullet bin but I wonder - pullet or cockerel? I found another pick of her comb I took last week. This is Norma Jean.
  4. HappyChickadee

    Barred Rock thread!!

    Barbara loves having visitors!
  5. HappyChickadee

    When can I introduce my new chicks to the older ones?

    I basically threw my baby roosters out about 4 days ago at 7 and 8 weeks old. I waited to see what the reaction was and the girls (about a year old) griped about it - lots of chitter chatter about it and strangely (at least it was not what I expected) the lowest on the pecking order of the big...
  6. HappyChickadee

    Oyster shells?

    It is true that mine really will eat it when they need it. As I had a sick chicken that I gave antibiotics to and it made her eggs a little thinner and then I realized that is why she was pigging out on oyster shells. However, when I give it to them any other time they really aren't all that...
  7. HappyChickadee

    She's stolen my hen! Advice please...

    I would just walk in and say, "I am here to get my hen." Then if she tried to argue then I would say, "No, I am taking her home with me and I won't have a problem taking care of her but thank you for being concerned." Then if she said something more then I would say, "I don't want to be mean, I...
  8. HappyChickadee

    Rooster or Hen?

    I agree the one staring looks like a roo. I love my barred rocks!
  9. HappyChickadee

    crowing question

    I have a mighty little one who started crowing at 7 weeks - it is dreadfully cute and pathetic sounding lol. He does not do it all the time. But that is how I discovered that he is a rooster. The other baby rooster does not crow.
  10. HappyChickadee

    Mixing Chicks of Different Ages

    I really don't have the answer to this so hopefully someone will come along with a better view of it. I think if there is too much time between them it will make it hard. For instance I had two babies the same age and one a little over a week younger in with them and they would kind of chase off...
  11. HappyChickadee

    Easter Eggers

    They look so much like my EE's! It would be interesting to compares ours when they get older! You should PM me so we can stay in tough and see! :)
  12. HappyChickadee

    Easter Egger club!

    I am not sure but she's pretty if it's a she!
  13. HappyChickadee

    Baby Chicks picking at one another's feathers

    could it be that they are too hot??
  14. HappyChickadee

    Barred Rock thread!!

    I have BR's and each has their own personalities. They range from super sweet to "just stay away from me, please." lol
  15. HappyChickadee

    Baby Chicks picking at one another's feathers

    I have some 4 week old baby EE chicks and I noticed one that started picking at the fluffy feathers (not the ones coming in) and now it seems like they are all doing it. It looks neurotic. I don't know if they are bored or if it is an actual deficiency of some sort. I give them chicken starter...
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