Recent content by HappyDuckies

  1. HappyDuckies

    Deep cut on ducks face need advice please

    Is keeping it most with saline okay or would water be better?
  2. HappyDuckies

    Deep cut on ducks face need advice please

    Thank you so much. I’m so scared for her. I found some white and black hairs in the scratches on her beak and I’m guessing a raccoon. Not the first raccoon attack she’s endured, but definitely the most serious one. Going to Home Depot soon to get supplies to build a permanent home (like Dusty...
  3. HappyDuckies

    Emergency Help Needed - Peking Duck Attacked by Coyote on 4/12/2020

    If there is an avian vet nearby, I’d take her there. Don’t lose hope!! Try some amoxicillin!!!
  4. HappyDuckies

    Deep cut on ducks face need advice please

    Emergency vet doesn’t take exotics and the one that does their exotic vet is off today what do I do? She’s my good girl and I’m keeping her inside tonight but how do I prevent gangrene and maggots? She’s warm so she’s not losing much blood she’s acting normal as a hurt duck can
  5. HappyDuckies

    Duck bowed legs

    To clarify, I meant they shake whenever he goes to stand up
  6. HappyDuckies

    Duck bowed legs

    Hi, so my friend got 2 ducks about 2 or 3 weeks ago. She said one of the ducks legs have been bowed like this since she got them, and I was wondering if y’all had any suggestions. I wanted to do something before it’s too late since he’s still growing. When I touch the feet his legs kind of...
  7. HappyDuckies

    Bumble foot surgery gone wrong?

    Hey guys. So I tried to remove the bumble foot out of my ducks foot. It was a hard cartilage type substance and I couldn’t get it all out so I went ahead and bandaged it up and cleaned it with some alcohol and put some triple antibiotic without pain reliever on it. Any advice?
  8. HappyDuckies


    Anybody know what this little string thing is? The vet didn’t know. Sorry for the poor photo, he’s always moving around
  9. HappyDuckies


    I thought I’d post an update. The vet bill was $78, far less than what I was expecting. They told me to keep him in the pen for a few days until he learns how to eat on his own good, and that it’s a small enough amount that it will grow back within the next few months, however I now have the...
  10. HappyDuckies


    Has anyone ever had this happen to a duck before? What was the treatment and cost?
  11. HappyDuckies


    I’m sorry to hear about your baby :( I hope he’s okay :(
  12. HappyDuckies


    Thank you so much
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