Recent content by harris289

  1. H

    Can ESA override city ordinance?

    Wow, you are a very angry little person. Good luck with that in life and good luck storming that castle.
  2. H

    ESA chickens, city governments and housing provider

    Hey everyone! I am new to the website, but I think I have valuable information regarding ESA letters, chickens and city ordinances. This is not an attempt to circumvent the law by claiming fraudulent use of an ESA animal. I do not condone that in anyway shape or form. I am a disabled veteran...
  3. H

    Can ESA override city ordinance?

    Hello there, I saw your question and I also had the same issue. After much digging and much research, I was able to find the answer and successfully ask the city for a variance. I’ll provide the link below and I hope you and your granddaughter are doing well...
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