Recent content by hausrx

  1. hausrx

    local ordinances for chickens

    HELLO, how many people live in a city & have local laws that only allow you to have 4 to 6 hens, & a yearly permit to have them on your yard, I DO !!, I am thinking of building a new bigger chicken TRACTOR ( movable ) to house 4 hens in, my last one was 5ft wide x 12ft long x 7 ft...
  2. hausrx

    When to buy chicken scratch?

    I was told to keep chicks on STARTER / GROWER for 8 weeks, but to introduce SCRATCH at 5 weeks, & add MESH or CRACKED CORN @ 6 weeks old,
  3. hausrx

    Ideas on how to make a little cash off of what I got on my farm...

    ya I know what you mean as to a start up chicken herd, being more costly , as for my Idea of building a inexspensive BROODER & small chicken coop on wheels, has gotten bigger & more costly than I thought, but Im 4 weeks into raising baby chicks (8 of them ) as I finish up finishing touches on...
  4. hausrx

    training a dog to leave chickens alone

    I have herd from a friend of mine , that there grandma used to spray AMONIA about 2 ft all around the outside of the coop & fenced in area , about every 2 weeks to help keep there dogs & other predators away from the chickens
  5. hausrx

    beby chicks

    I have 6 GREY leghorns & 2 Black Jersey Giants , only 4 weeks old, all of them are pullets
  6. hausrx

    beby chicks

    now I need to make a temporary pen so they can walk in the grass from walking directly from the home made brooder I made, till I finish my chicken tractor for them
  7. hausrx

    4 weeks later and the new coop is done....phew!!

    whats the point of using white or filter sand verses using clean dirt ??
  8. hausrx

    beby chicks

    today @ 12 30 pm I came home from driving all night , i see my wife opened up the garage door so the 4 week old chicks could look out from there BROODER, so I did 1 better , I moved the BROODER out side so they can get fresh air & see what I was doing to there new CHICKEN TRACTOR , that they...
  9. hausrx

    What is your favorite dust bath mixture?

    what does DE stand for ??
  10. hausrx


    I knew about WHITE LEGHORNS with large eggs & plenty of the , ( 250 - 300 ) eggs per year, do you know if other leghorns are white egg layers also ?? I know that RHODE ISLAND REDS are large BROWN egg layers , are R I Reds also broody ??
  11. hausrx


    I am going to get 8 LEGHORN as my first chicks to raise , are WHITE leghorns often called RHODE ISLAND WHITES as a nick name ?? ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES as to raising leghorns ??
  12. hausrx

    Is it really this complicated? Feeling a bit overwhelmed!

    if just starting out , I would not do any eggs, you can but 1 day old to 2 weeks old chicks from most feed stores till late APRIL or even early MAY, with a little RESEARCH ( internet ) & BOOKS, you can build a small coop in 2 to 5 days, I am building a 5 x 12 coop , over 3/4 done in 2 days by...
  13. hausrx

    Is it really this complicated? Feeling a bit overwhelmed!

    Im in a simular situation as you , but I planned ahead, I m going to build a chicken tractor ( moveable ) from a old dog house ( 3ft x 5 ft ) that doesnt get used anymore, but I did build my BROODER in my garage first, several weeks ago, the chicks can grow next several weeks in the BROODER as...
  14. hausrx

    homesteading chickens in MICHIGAN

    where are you located here in MICHIGAN??
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