Recent content by hdvision

  1. hdvision

    Help!!!! My chicken is SO sick!

    Hi, Recently, I had one of my three chickens get really sick. She is constantly looking at the ground, her red thing on her head is lopsided, and she has lost A LOT of weight. I barely see her eat food, just drink water... the feathers around her butt.....are crusty from feces... but i dont...
  2. hdvision

    The Never-ending Raccoon thread. (BOBCAT CONFIRMED PAGE 15)

    for the longest time Ive hated raccoons because a while back 2 of my chickens were killed by coons (and I am not a poultry person, just someone who loves chickens and takes eggs that's it). then i saw the dead coon in the beginning of this thread. it made me think of how raccoons are like any...
  3. hdvision

    My chicken has a pale face?

    Yes! You guys are mostly right. She was molting previously, but I think she's in the process where most of her feathers already grew back, so I don't know why her face's pale AFTER she's done molting.....
  4. hdvision

    My chicken has a pale face?

    I dont know what its called, but the red parts to a chickens face. Anyways, one of my chickens has a pale face. What does that mean..?
  5. hdvision

    Predator or shedding wings?

    thanks and yeah i have no idea either. 2 of the other chickens started shedding as well, maybe its the food, ill try changing it... and they all started from their tail area/lower back as you said they would so i guess thats all fine. ill be observing them. thanks!
  6. hdvision

    Predator or shedding wings?

    Out of the three chickens I have, it seems like the weakest one is shedding or has a predator? Feathers fall out in more than one spot, and I have seen cats coming into our yard freaking them out, but I hear them scream and I run out and the cars leave... Not only that, but the weak chicken...
  7. hdvision

    what does it mean when chickens have bald spots?

    1. Hens 2. Sides; not wings 3. No lice/bugs 4. Other hens not pecking at the others 5. Pretty sure they're not broody 6. I might think molting... but not sure cause it has been like this for a while. It's not too much of a problem, just raises concern, more like I want to know and not need to know
  8. hdvision

    what does it mean when chickens have bald spots?

    My chickens seem healthy but a few of them have bald spots on their lower left and right sides.... and on some places on the bald spots there are no feather roots... help?
  9. hdvision

    Would you leave your coop open at night?

    I thought my hens were safe for 2 years. Just a few days ago raccoons killed 2 of the 6. And I didn't even know raccoons were abundant in my area!
  10. hdvision

    RIP My favorite 2 chickens :(

    Oh, and before (no one knows) the chickens got out somehow and raccoons killed and ate both (one was almost all eaten the other was just a little). The second time around it came from a hole in ceiling of the coop. (a tree is in the middle of it, so you can see how the chicken wire didn't fully...
  11. hdvision

    RIP My favorite 2 chickens :(

    Okay so this is what happened. My dad remade a chicken coop that is only 5 feet away from our house, the other was like 30 feet away. It is decent size, temporary. The back is wood (I doubt raccoons can get through solid wood). And the side is slightly sharp chicken wire. And the front is...
  12. hdvision

    RIP My favorite 2 chickens :(

    NOT to troll. Those 2 chickens lost were like a dog to a person. Not all of you will understand, it felt like losing a friend! I am considering killing the raccoon...because I read that when raccoons get a taste, they won't stop coming back. That raccoon got 2 of my hens! And it came back the...
  13. hdvision

    RIP My favorite 2 chickens :(

    YES. Okay IT WAS A RACCOON! Last night, i was right about to fall asleep, then i heard my hens screaming louder then ever!! Then i yelled for my dad to come out and we both ran down to the coop, when we got there, we saw a raccoon run up the tree in the middle of the coop! The raccoon came in...
  14. hdvision

    RIP My favorite 2 chickens :(

    Yes of course. But what could have been the likable killers? Thanks!
  15. hdvision

    RIP My favorite 2 chickens :(

    About 2 days ago, the door to my chicken coupe got open some how. Then the next morning my dad found 2 of our 5 chickens dead in the area in front of the coupe.. They were dead.. My favorite 2 chickens just dead like that. And do not call me or my dad bad owners, because we have no idea how it...
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