Recent content by healingtreeharp

  1. healingtreeharp

    Chickens imitating sounds??

    Our house hen most definitely mimics sounds around the house and a few of the outdoor birds. She also imitates "chick chick chick" when I call the outdoor chickens ... and when I say it purely for my entertainment ;) There are certain frequent phrases said around the house that she mimics by...
  2. healingtreeharp

    Growing duck died randomly

    Who knows on this planet... Texas. What part are you in? I'm in Austin area.
  3. healingtreeharp

    Growing duck died randomly

    Sorry for your loss. I can sympathize as I too am staying in a motorhome/trailer. My 2.5 week old (assuming roo) imprinted on me. I tried everything to get him to go with the hen that hatched 9 others only days before. He won't leave my side but for a moment! Is there any possible chance...
  4. healingtreeharp

    Mini coop for one?

    Have you thought about using a crow collar? Here's one example:
  5. healingtreeharp

    Potty Training Chickens, How-to!

    I wish I would have trained my cockatiel 25+ yrs ago. But now we have a found chick that imprinted on us. Time to make life easier while still having a house chicken. Jeepers, never thought I'd say that! LoL "Go potty! " LMBO
  6. healingtreeharp

    Where does your Rooster sleep?

    We intended to raise some free-range this year after losing a hobby farm a few years back. Due to unforeseen circumstances, well have to wait until next year... sort of. Our neighbors have several hens and a roo that I noticed gone about a week ago (afraid to ask) right after I noticed his...
  7. healingtreeharp

    They know me!

    Quote: Ah. Good to know about the bugs! I notice they have been eating the occasional bug that lands in their area. They are deathly afraid of June bugs though I will have to put a 'grit dish' in there. I ended up giving them egg today. What a show!
  8. healingtreeharp

    What have you named your chickens?

    Quote: Love it No different than a person naming their pot-bellied pet pig bacon
  9. healingtreeharp

    No Free Ranging for my hens! (PIX)

    This is an idea I have been tossing around: Finding an old trampoline someone wants to get rid of and remove the fabric part and flip it upside down. Wrap it with... not sure yet, top it partially with corrugated galvanized steel, install perches at various heights and place a small nesting box...
  10. healingtreeharp

    I put them on shavings!

    I use for several of our animals. The chicks seem to like it and I have trusted it for quite some time now. Try it.
  11. healingtreeharp

    They know me!

    but they do know that I'm the treat dispenser, so I go into the kitchen to mash up their two boiled eggs... I am such a newb. Did you mean like boiled chicken eggs??? Tell me more! I have had my lil Bantam mixed brood for a total of four days (lovin' every minute of it!) and noticed last night...
  12. healingtreeharp

    Oh wow, did not see that coming

    A Jeffrey Dahmer in the making. A six is old enough Not to treat a fragile creature with such uncontrollable behavior. I agree, keep that kid under CLOSE watch. Not just where protecting the kids is concerned, but the animals as well.
  13. healingtreeharp

    Raising Chicks with a kitten

    LMAO that is a great link! Thanks for posting that
  14. healingtreeharp

    Tractor Supply Company Chicks

    In our store (Bastrop, TX), I have not seen a store. Nor have I seen chicks. They have the set up, but every time I go in there, they are chick-less We did however have great success in purchasing whatever amount we want at They have higher prices than TSC for...
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