Recent content by heathergreen

  1. heathergreen

    Help sexing Silver Laced Wyandottes - 8 weeks old

    Thanks so much for looking This was my first time raising chicks and also first time buying 'pullets' from the feed store and I was so worried there would be roos in there since there usually is...even when sold as pullets. I bought 12 (four EE's, four SLW's, two New Hampshire Reds and two sex...
  2. heathergreen

    Ended Contest #7 Most Striking Domestic MALE Fowl Contest 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Name of Bird: Archie Age: 5 months Breed: Sulmtaler (Gold Duckwing) Standard
  3. heathergreen

    Sulmtalers Thread

    My roo crows LOUD, lol (he's a GD as well)...but he doesn't seem to crow any more than any other roos I've had...but he's only around 6 months old now. He's a Greenfire bird....first generation born here from their imported birds. This is him with the Sulmtaler hen on the right and my...
  4. heathergreen

    Help sexing Easter Egger chicks?

    You guys ROCK! Thanks everyone for replying and taking the time to look. It just boggles my mind how much the EE's change as they grow. Can't wait till everyone is full grown. I'm so glad that #1 is a girl because I am LOVING that beard she's got going on, and the fact that I can name all...
  5. heathergreen

    Our DIY Pallet Horse Corral

    I wanted to share out pallet corral we just made a couple weeks ago.... We have two enormous draft cross and one little 22 year old Appaloosa mare...of course the little mare is the boss so she has to eat separate from the draft or she'll eat her food and his food. Can't have...
  6. heathergreen

    Help sexing Silver Laced Wyandottes - 8 weeks old

    I've read so many things about sexing SLW's that my head is spinning. I have four chicks, all eight weeks old (sold as pullets but you know how that goes!). The problem is they all look pretty much identical. I took photos today (4-16-14) but unless I enlist some help to separate the ones...
  7. heathergreen

    Help sexing Easter Egger chicks?

    Took some recent photos today....was hoping for more opinions on sex for these four now that they are older. Bought as chicks seven weeks ago but they had already been at the feed store for sale for a few days so I'm thinking they are really darn close to eight weeks old now. They are...
  8. heathergreen

    Sulmtalers Thread

    A few new pics I took yesterday of my Sulmtaler roo, Archie and hen, Edith... still just babies (I think they're around 4 1/2 months)...and it amazes me how HUGE they can see my Blue Cochin hen (approx. 2 years) and my EE cross hen (approx. 2 years) in the first photo....
  9. heathergreen

    Help sexing Easter Egger chicks?

    Maybe these photos will enlarge more when clicked to view the combs... 1 2 3 4
  10. heathergreen

    Help sexing Easter Egger chicks?

    Thanks everyone for looking...hopefully they are all girls. Maybe these pics would help for the combs? You should be able to click the image to make it larger...
  11. heathergreen

    Help sexing Easter Egger chicks?

    I've got four Easter Egger chicks, all about five weeks old I believe....I'm afraid I've only got one girl out of the four I bought (I'm thinking #3 is the only pullet). Of course they were all bought as pullets from the feed store...but you know how that goes Hopefully by these photos...
  12. heathergreen

    Sulmtalers Thread

    I just bought my first Sulmtaler pair.....they are both four months old and I named them Archie and Edith They're still settling in (it's only their second day here), and I'm looking forward to owning these. I keep chickens for pets and eggs, but I've thrown around the idea of hatching some...
  13. heathergreen

    What mix is this hen?

    Thanks guys! I had a feeling 'mix of mixes' but wasn't sure as I kept thinking 1/2 EE or something like that. Either way, I love her, she's a great layer and it doesn't really matter what mixes she is...was just curious :D
  14. heathergreen

    What mix is this hen?

    Ok, so one of the very first chickens I ever got two years ago was this hen, Henny Penny. I was just going for 'neat looking' when I bought her...I was a total noob. The guy sold me five chickens and I specifically said I wanted hens and two turned out to be roosters I had to give away...
  15. heathergreen

    cutest chicken names!

    I did have more than just the two hens I have now...unfortunately we had a raccoon rampage and I lost all but these two ladies. Since then the coop has been fortified and NOTHING can get in there. I didn't get too creative with their names. This is Henny Penny (who is my favorite and pretty...
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