Recent content by Helygen

  1. Helygen

    Introduction and my critters

    Thank you, and yes, the critters keep me very busy! Like I often say, there's never a dull moment around here! Agility is TOTALLY addictive and the dogs love it. I would like to get my youngest BC out to some herding lessons because he really has the instinct; he's constantly trying to herd...
  2. Helygen

    Introduction and my critters

    Thanks everyone. Here's our house: And here's the barn: Since that photo was taken, we have replaced the barn doors and have put in some windows (don't have pics yet). We will be doing the siding and more windows in the the spring. Inside we have built stalls for the ponies. In the...
  3. Helygen

    Introduction and my critters

    Quote: Which one?
  4. Helygen

    Hello from Eastern ON and question about suitable newbie breeds!

    Thanks for the input everyone! I will definitely investigate the other suggested breeds and the link to the Cold Coop was very interesting! Sounds like I may have to get some chickens from the local farm supply store to start off with but I'll check out the link for Performance Poultry too...
  5. Helygen

    Introduction and my critters

    Hi everyone, I just joined BYC and posted an intro on the Newbie forum but it was suggested that I come and introduce myself and my critters here too! So without further ado... My DH and I just moved to Eastern ON from out west and brought all our animals with us! It was quite the epic...
  6. Helygen

    Hello from Eastern ON and question about suitable newbie breeds!

    Thank you 4-H Chicken Mom and Mrs. Fluffy Puffy for the warm welcome. Easter Eggers are the Americaunas/Araucanas, right? Or are they something else? (Still trying to sort out my breeds.)
  7. Helygen

    Hello from Eastern ON and question about suitable newbie breeds!

    Hi everyone, I am new to BYC, new to chickens, AND new to Eastern Ontario. Whew! DH and I moved to Eastern Ontario to a lovely acreage with an 1878 brick home in Sept'10. We plan to clear a lot of the bush on the property and make it our hobby farm. We moved across the country with our dogs...
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