Recent content by Helyro

  1. Helyro

    Help on training new chickens to stay...

    Hello, My neighbors house is getting foreclosed on and they have given me 4 of their OEG chickens. I currently have 6 chickens that free range, and roost in a coop at night. I have kept the 4 new guys locked up for over a week, and the second I let them out - they run back next door. Any...
  2. Helyro

    WANTED: Batam or Standard White Frizzled or smooth cochin eggs

    I would like to buy some bantam cochin eggs also - who should I contact? Thank you!!
  3. Helyro

    I have PiPS!!! UPDATE - New pics

    Good luck to you all that are patiently waiting!! My chicks are from a Rhode Island Red rooster and either a RIR hen OR a Buff Orpington hen - I really don't know... Then hens were laying in the same nest. We'll have to see what they look like as they get older. The mix should get...
  4. Helyro

    I have PiPS!!! UPDATE - New pics

    Hello all, A couple of more from tonight - They are little busy bodies... I'm already ready to do this again!!! Stop me now...
  5. Helyro

    EGGS ARE HERE! Prepare yourself for the next 21 days *DAY 21 PICS*

    Great pictures!!! Congratulations - they are adorable!
  6. Helyro

    When can I take chicks out of the bator?

    You are right, I didn't read the original post clearly enough...
  7. Helyro

    When can I take chicks out of the bator?

    Hello, I left mine in the bator for about 28 hours to allow all of the eggs to hatch. I ended up taking 7 chicks out of the bator to the brooder, and left the one that had literally just hatched in there to dry off. My understanding is to not open the bator if they have piped until they are...
  8. Helyro

    IBW?? What does that mean?

    LOL - okay, so I totally can relate to that!!! Thanks!!
  9. Helyro

    IBW?? What does that mean?

    Sorry, but I literally cannot find a post that explains what IBW means?? LOL! Thanks,
  10. Helyro

    I have PiPS!!! UPDATE - New pics

    Hey LoneCowboy - can't wait to see more of your pics - they look great!!! Who else is close to hatching out there??
  11. Helyro

    I have PiPS!!! UPDATE - New pics

    Here are pics of the 7 so far... number 8 just hatched, and is still in the incubator finding his legs and drying off - he seems weak, but maybe it's just me. They are hard to photograph...LOL! I had to move their heat light out of the way to take a few pics... but you get the idea...
  12. Helyro

    I have PiPS!!! UPDATE - New pics

    Just talked to my better half - he is home today - and lucky number 7 is hatching right now!! We'll see what happens with number 8. I'll take pics when I get home - they are SO cute!! Thanks,
  13. Helyro

    I have PiPS!!! UPDATE - New pics

    Woke up this morning to SIX chicks - seem to be healthy, active, and VERY loud - LOL! Two eggs left - we'll see what happens today. I will post pics when I get home from work this evening. Thanks everyone!!
  14. Helyro

    I made my incubator and saved my eggs/no water wiggler

    Still learning here - what is a water wiggler? Thanks!
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