Recent content by Hen Zero

  1. Hen Zero

    Henz World

    Breed: Light Brahma I'd Like to join!
  2. Hen Zero

    Pics of new chicks TODAY...5 days old!!!

    Cute Buff Orps! I personally have some and they are cute! They are very good mothers. I actually have one broody right now! -Hen Zero
  3. Hen Zero

    Got some new babies at TS last night **PICS **

    The first pic: those are not RIRs, I think they are Buff Orps.
  4. Hen Zero

    My first chicks are here... Updated w/Pictures

    Are They Buff Orps? I have Buff Orps and they look like em. Are They?
  5. Hen Zero

    Brahma Nook

    I am making a coop for my Light Brahmas. Here are some pics. NOTE: the project is still underway, so finished product is not yet here. The Walls Are Cut The Walls Put Together How do you like it? or ?
  6. Hen Zero

    Chicken names...

    Here are some of mine: Foog* Dominick Buffy Henny Penny Noodle Gummy* Cloud* Floo Samantha Mrs. Peck *my favorites
  7. Hen Zero

    Post your Chix Pix! Ends Apr. 20! (TODAY!)

    Dominick, My 1 week old Dominique. (Past)
  8. Hen Zero


    Hi, Does anyone have photos of their small coops? (if you have one.) I need ideas since I think I will be making one tomorrow. I am planning to make one out of plywood and some 2x4's, so pics of ones like that would help.
  9. Hen Zero

    Does anyone have light brahma eggs to sell?

    Quote: Well..... These people will come to your house and give all of your chickens a blood test. (They do this so you don't send a sickness to other animals when you mail them.) It costs about $500 for them to come and do this and then you have to get health papers. If you mail, or pick up...
  10. Hen Zero

    Does anyone have light brahma eggs to sell?

    Well, I'm not in your state, so are you NPIP certified? If you are, I would want 4 eggs, depending how much they are.
  11. Hen Zero

    Eggs I'm Hatching.

    Quote: Ok, Thanks!
  12. Hen Zero

    one pasture of our cows(pics)

    What breed are your brown cows?
  13. Hen Zero

    Eggs I'm Hatching.

    Here's A Pic. I hope we get 2 light brahmas and 10 leghorns. We have 24 eggs. 22 leghorn and 2 unknown brown eggs. We have Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpintons, and Light Brahmas that lay brown eggs, and they are in the same coop, so we don't know.
  14. Hen Zero

    1 week! **Pic Heavy**

    Oh. I don't think I can because I live 2,000 miles away from you. Sorry!
  15. Hen Zero

    What do you hope to get in this year's hatch?

    Only 12 more days untill my chicks hatch!
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