Recent content by henhousemom

  1. H

    Dilema in the hen house! Help!

    Thank you - So I should shut them in the coop with the others at night? Just making sure I am clear
  2. H

    Dilema in the hen house! Help!

    I have 6 -17 week old RSL and 2 -13 week RIR - our coop is 6ft x 6ft (with roost, nesting boxes,water and food) a pen that is 6ft x 20ft (with a outside roost) they also free range during the day and put up at night - they have been together for about a monthand a half now - the two ones come...
  3. H

    Introducing chicks to a flock only 4 weeks older

    Thank you for your answers the article was great!
  4. H

    Introducing chicks to a flock only 4 weeks older

    I have 6 RSL that are 8 weeks old out in the coop, I also have 2 RIR that are 4 weeks old still in the house - i would like to introduce them but not sure at what age and what method to use. My pen is 6 X 20 I believe i have enough space but dont my RIR to get hurt.I was wondering since they are...
  5. H

    Can chickens eat grapes?

    Just gave my girls grapes for the first time (put it in their bowl of plain yogurt) and OMG they were a hoot when they found the grapes I never seen such a sight! Grapes will now be part of their treats - they went bonkers - love my girls!
  6. H

    Help! Chicks sleeping on floor not on roost

    Thank you so much - we have about a 3 inch tall 5 feet long vent on opposite walls & we have 3 windows but we close them at night for now we will keep them open at the temp goes up
  7. H

    Help! Chicks sleeping on floor not on roost

    I have 6 RSL, 5 weeks old, 99% feathered, live on the West side of Atlanta Ga and my chicks have a fully enclosed coop (no drafts) with run, it has been in the low 60 at night and they have been living outside full time now for 3 days. My problem is 3 chicks know to come in at night and 3 still...
  8. H

    Post Your Chicken's Names Here!!!

    We have 6 RSL and so far we have a Lilly and Roxie still working on more names we just received two 4 day old RIR and so far we are just calling them The little peepers
  9. H

    Poopie Butt

    Thank you so much for your info - ! I finally saw her poop this morning and her bum looked so much better - Yea! oh the little things that makes a mamma proud - lol
  10. H

    Poopie Butt

    I have had my 6 RSL chicks for a week now, my smallest one "Lilly" had a poopy butt - I cleaned it like everyone said to however some of her down did come out- my question is will she always have a bare bum or will her feathers grow in - I am afraid I may have damaged the feather growth - she is...
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