Recent content by Henraiser

  1. Henraiser

    Barred Rock Rooster crossed with white rock hens (and other barred rock hens)

    I have a flock with a Barred Rock rooster, 5 Barred Rock Hens and 4 White rock hens. I just incubated eggs from this mix without having any idea which eggs belonged to the white rock hens and which ones belonged to the barred rock hens. I have 19 chicks hatched and have some questions I hope...
  2. Henraiser

    Discouraged--ready to make chicken & dumplings and start over...

    Two years ago, I started out with a nice sized flock. Through culling and a few unfortunate chicken deaths, my flock is now 9 hens and a roo. From the time my girls first started laying, they have been highly inconsistent. I've done everything I can think to do, and I have at times sought...
  3. Henraiser

    Please advise on typical behavior of rooster introduced to existing all-hen flock...

    I am happy to report that my new rooster, "Papi," has discovered his purpose. I just witnessed him doing the deed. Last weekend, I put an artificial light in the henhouse to come on a couple of hours early. I think that little teaser must have convinced Papi that it is spring and that he has...
  4. Henraiser

    Please advise on typical behavior of rooster introduced to existing all-hen flock...

    Background Info: I have a flock of 11 hens, 23 months old. 4 White Rocks, 5 Barred Rocks, and 2 Blue Andalusians. Up until recently, the girls had always been alone and never had a rooster with them. Eighteen days ago, I introduced an 11 month old Barred Rock Rooster to the flock. The...
  5. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    Hallelujah! Hip Hip Hooray!!! One of my girls finally layed an egg today! The first egg I have gotten since February 4. One of the Blue Andulisians finally did the deed. Now if she will just tell her girlfriends to get back to work! For the record, I am still clueless about what has...
  6. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    No Aoxa, I have not changed the feed at all--not even the brand, but maybe I should. They eat only layer pellets other than the occasional lettuce, cabbage, turnips or other greenery. It had been at least three weeks before the stoppage since they had been fed anything other than the layer...
  7. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    Still no eggs today. Aoxa, this makes no sense to me either. I could explain away a gradual decrease or if I had only a few eggs each day, but this whole situation is quite a mystery. Abundant eggs every day and then going to zero eggs in one night. I do not think egg eating is my flock's...
  8. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    Day 15 and still no eggs. This is very frustrating and odd behavior. The still show no signs of molting. I have noticed that they seem to be totally ignoring the nesting boxes and not even going inside them. Yesterday, I put new (hardwood) shavings in the boxes and put in a few store bought...
  9. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    Day 11 and.still no more eggs. I'm still as baffled as before. This makes no sense whatsoever. Very frustrated.
  10. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    No eggs again today. It is cold and sunny today. If no one has ideas of the cause, does anybody have any ideas how to get them going again. I REALLY hated going to the grocery store for eggs yesterday!
  11. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    Farm_maven, I don't think weather explains it in my case. I went from 9-12 everyday for a month and then immediately to zero for seven days and counting. A hidden nest is not possible in my case. This is the ost baffling experience I have had with my chickens.
  12. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    Thanks for the welcome, "so lucky." To bullit, this is their first winter-- and a mild one at that.
  13. Henraiser

    Entire flock abruptly stopped laying for no apparent reason, any ideas why?

    Situation: Flock Size: 15 (all hens) Age: Hatched March 26, 2011 - 10.5 months old Breed makeup: 5 White Rock, 4 Blue Andalusian, 6 barred rocks Location: North Central Mississippi Recent Weather Conditions: Mild temperatures, low in 40's highs in 60's, sunny a few days, partly cloudy...
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