Recent content by henry19952

  1. henry19952

    1. Broody hen missing feathers...2. How to identify different birds.

    1. I have a broody hen who has been setting for a little over a month (she wont get up). Today, I noticed large patches of missing feathers under her. I assume that this is ok? 2.I have 7 almost identical Buff orpingtons. Is anything I can do to recognize them better? like some sort of color...
  2. henry19952

    Day 24... can see blood vessels and veins

    Could they be late starters? Then hen never gets off of them without my assistance... Does the blood vessels mean they are alive still?
  3. henry19952

    Day 24... can see blood vessels and veins

    I have a hen sitting on 4 fertile eggs. It is now day 24, and I see a large dark area with the air cell at one end. In the mass of darkness, I see blood vessels or veins on the edge of the air cell. I have no clue if this is ok.... there are no peeps coming from the eggs. At what point do I...
  4. henry19952

    Can someone please offer some advice/insight

    Still... what was the latest known chicken hatch?
  5. henry19952

    Week Old Chicks - Should I be Doing More?

    Relax! Some people make raising chickens way more complicated than it seems. All they need is food (the right kind of course), water (I have never put any vitamins in mine, and they have all survived), warmth, and plenty of space. And don't worry about diseases... chickens are cheap.
  6. henry19952

    Virtual pet cemetary

    RIP Bailey, my boyhood dog, who was tormented by the neighbors fireworks, and force to escape the electric fence. She was hit by a car when we were gone. And also Nugget, my favorite RIR who disappeared with 6 of my flock in a nighttime attact. Oh, and Millie. She was the sweetest Mille fleur...
  7. henry19952

    Can someone please offer some advice/insight

    mmaddie's mom : I usually give mine a full week over and sometimes have been blessed by doing that! Good luck! Well that gives me hope. I have to go out of town on saturday, which is 5 days over. I guess we will see what happens. What is the absolute LATEST you have heard of chicks hatching?
  8. henry19952

    Can someone please offer some advice/insight

    I have a broody hen sitting on 4 eggs. I have candled, and I am 100% sure that 3 were fertile on day 14. It is now day 23, and still no pips. It appears they are still alive by the large air sac in the shell. Why are they not hatching? Could the humidity been wrong? They are outside in a nest...
  9. henry19952

    Starting to worry about the eggs under my broody.

    I have a broody Belgian bantam, who is now on her 21st day of setting on 4 eggs, 3 of which I am sure are fertile. (I candled them, and saw development, but just left the dud.) I set them at 10 at night, but there are no pips yet. Should I be worried?
  10. henry19952

    Some pics from today

    What kind is Carrot?
  11. henry19952

    Some pics from today

    What kind is Carrot?
  12. henry19952

    Breeds for Florida?

    Anthing will should be ok, as long as there is plenty of shade, water, and ventilation in the coop.
  13. henry19952

    Pesticides, etc?

    Just give em' a good dusting with it, and you may even want to set up a small sandbox with it for them to apply it themselves.
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