Recent content by HiDesertChicken

  1. HiDesertChicken

    HiDesertChicken from Yucca Valley, CA

    Bunny, I would love to have you join us on Facebook. Also, the next physical meeting of High Desert Homegrown Poultry Association is October 22 at 6 pm in the Yucca Valley, CA area. More info on the FB page. We hold quarterly...
  2. HiDesertChicken

    Rooster pulled skin off Pullets neck

    At my house, he would probably not have a chance to become a gentleman. Either he is one from the start or he goes into the stew pot for enchiladas or chicken and dumplings. I've had enough of bad-boy roosters over the years. There are so many nice ones available, the bad ones are not worth...
  3. HiDesertChicken

    is my chicken a rooster?

    See how the tail feathers go up and then begin to bend downward? That is a great rooster indicator. CROWING is a sure indicator it is a rooster, though a few hens have been known to crow. Hens' tail feathers DO NOT curve over. I had a hen I was using for a breeder who had a comb and wattles...
  4. HiDesertChicken

    New with a Hurt Chicken

    I've used activated charcoal on a chicken with gangrene and healed it. I made a wash but not so thick it becomes a paste, a mixture of the medical grade activated charcoal from the health food store or pharmacy and water. I painted it on heavy several times a day with a small, soft brush...
  5. HiDesertChicken

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    I've raised chickens for over 30 yrs. My daughter refused to eat the meat because she 'knew' that chicken. I never named any, other than a few banties. I NEVER wash my eggs unless they are dirty. They come out of the chicken with a naturally protective film on them. My customers like that...
  6. HiDesertChicken

    What is causing my girls to die?! Marek's??

    Than you. Is that Washington State University?
  7. HiDesertChicken

    What is causing my girls to die?! Marek's??

    In April I got over 100 day old baby chicks from McMurray Hatchery. I feed Modesto Milling organic chick starter crumbles along with non-GMO alfalfa, when they are about a month old. The adults also get white millet, milo, black oil sunflower seeds, rolled barley (soaked) , sometimes sprouted...
  8. HiDesertChicken

    What is causing my girls to die?! Marek's??

    I was away for a few days and got a call from my chicken caretaker that one of my SIXTY 5 1/2 week old pullets was down on Monday lying on her side and unable to walk. Tuesday AM I quarantined her until last night (Wednesday). Research showed that it is likely Marek's disease, as it appeared...
  9. HiDesertChicken

    Salutations From Joshua Tree, CA

    High Desert Homegrown Poultry Association of Yucca Valley, CA meets quarterly at Yucca Mesa Improvement Assn. on Balsa Ave. off Aberdeen Ave. We meet the 3rd Wednesday quarterly. The next meeting is January. Find us on Facebook.
  10. HiDesertChicken

    Dusting Chickens With DE?

    Diatomaceous Earth is a natural lice and mite killer for dusting chickens or for making them an area that has DE spread on top of the dirt or in their dust bath hole for taking dust baths. There are MICROSCOPIC sharp points on the DE that kill soft bodied insects when the correct type is used...
  11. HiDesertChicken

    keeping chickens cool in summer heat

    I also live in the SoCal desert near Joshua Tree Nat'l Park. I use metal oil drain pans filled with water and change it 2-3x a day. The cheapest ones I found were on the DOItBest website. Several are standing in the water right now. I have an enclosed coop, but the run is covered with...
  12. HiDesertChicken

    Crowing Chicken- How to stop it- Please look!

    Well, if you like him so much, at least allow him to be a NATURAL rooster at someone else's house, but don't torture him by keeping him in the dark or caged so he can't stand, and for heaven's sake, please don't de-crow him by having his vocal cords cut! If you can't give him a humane life, eat...
  13. HiDesertChicken

    Are walnuts OK for chickens as a treat?

    The likelihood of the chickens eating enough walnut leaves to hurt them is not very high. The leaves have anti-worm, anti-parasite properties, so some should be beneficial for the clucks. I am an herbalist of 40+ yrs. standing.
  14. HiDesertChicken

    Hello from central valley CA

    Diluted chlorine bleach like Clorox...1/4 cup to 1 quart water with a bit of unscented dish detergent works well. Then rinse and air for a couple of days before using it. The automatic turner can go in the dishwasher or you can wash it well with the same solution.
  15. HiDesertChicken

    Peeps family

    Use only clean eggs going into the incubator. The less you handle them the better, as the oil on your hands can clog the pores in the shell through which the developing baby must get air. NEVER wash or put ANY chemical or detergent on the eggs to be hatched. The shells are porous and you will...
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