Recent content by Hiedi

  1. Hiedi

    Someone gotta warn us Newbies that chicks sleep like THIS:

    I love those pictures! I do remember the first time one of mine kind of fell over and went to sleep like that. I thought, "Oh no, one has died already". And then when they started flopping and rolling around in the brooder, simulating a dust bath. I had no idea what that was either. lol
  2. Hiedi

    Integrating a new chicken.....

    I will be watching this thread for ideas. I am trying to do a little rearranging myself. I have three RIRs and one Barred Rock together. Then I also have two Barred Rocks separate in a chicken tractor. I had to split them up that way because of limited housing space, and I did not want to...
  3. Hiedi


    This might be helpful. I am quoting the information from Carla Emery's book Encyclopedia of Country Living. This in under the section "Chick Food: Diet Options". Chickens also need pebbles (grit) to help their gizzards digest food. It's not necessary at this time to feed grit with commercial...
  4. Hiedi


    Quote: I agree with this as well. When I started feeding treats to my chicks and letting them outside where they were eating all kinds of stuff, that is when I started giving them "insoluble" grit (crushed granite) in with their food. I bought mine from Tractor Supply Co. I got the grit that...
  5. Hiedi

    How many eggs is unhealthy?

    Quote: Trust me...I made my decision to cut back on egg consumption before I ever saw this thread. I only posted in this thread to share my decision. I have a medical background so I can make my own health care choices without the help of someone on the internet. Sorry your information you...
  6. Hiedi

    How many eggs is unhealthy?

    Quote: I guess you are talking to me. No, I did not read the entire four pages of this thread. I skimmed through the first two pages. I got the idea of what the thread was about. Although I will take into consideration other people’s informative posts, I do not make health decisions based on...
  7. Hiedi

    How many eggs is unhealthy?

    I am glad that I found this thread. I recently had some lab tests done, and my total cholesterol level was 205. That is not too significant although doctors like for it to be below 200. However, back in May (before I had chickens) when I had the same test done; my cholesterol level was 181. The...
  8. Hiedi

    The lone chicken

    I ended up putting that one Barred Rock pullet back in with her original flock. I am watching closely to make sure that she does not get continually picked on again. It is strange how this one Barred Rock pullet does not bond with any of the others. My only logical explanation is because she is...
  9. Hiedi

    They won't eat pellets

    I had the same problem recently. I decided to switch to pellets because mine seemed to be wasting a lot of food when I used the crumbles; much of it ended up on the ground. So I bought a bag of pellets, and the RIRs did not seem to like it much. After a couple of days I was getting concerned. So...
  10. Hiedi

    The lone chicken

    Hello, I am trying to decide what to do with a pullet of mine. She is 8 months old. I noticed blood on the feeder today, and I traced it back to one of my Barred Rocks. Apparently, she is being pecked by one of my Rhode Island Reds. The area on her comb is not too bad, but I am concerned about...
  11. Hiedi

    New coop... input? criticizm?

    You did a really nice job on the coop/run.
  12. Hiedi

    I have an egg!

    One of my cockerels (well I thought was a cockerel) just laid an egg. I was wondering why "he" kept sitting in the nest box. It is a RIR and has a bigger, redder comb and wattles than my other two RIR so I thought for sure it was a cockerel, except I have never heard any crowing. I even broke...
  13. Hiedi

    Why is layer feed bad for young chickens?

    I have been feeding my two (19 1/2 week) cockerels layer feed (along with my pullets) because I did not realize that the extra calcium could be bad for the cockerels. Oh my, I will have to come up with another plan, and I just bought another big bag of layer feed. The only thing I can think of...
  14. Hiedi

    is it possible for a hen only 61/2 months old ?

    Quote: I am going to print this out for future reference.
  15. Hiedi

    I have an egg!

    Hi everyone, This evening I found my first egg in the coop. My pullets are 19 1/2 weeks old. I really wasn't expecting an egg so soon. I just put the egg box in there yesterday (lol) because I thought one of them was acting kind of strange so I figured she might be ready to start laying. I...
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