Recent content by HobbitChicken

  1. HobbitChicken

    The roo that wasn't...?

    Thanks. :) Oh and I know that the EEs are roos, I just put their pictures in for a comparison because they are all the same age from the same "group" I got. He was very weird from day one, even before there was an established "adult" pecking order he was way behind in development. Until very...
  2. HobbitChicken


    Looks like an ancona pullet.
  3. HobbitChicken

    The roo that wasn't...?

    These guys are all on their 20th week. So, I have this EE who can't make up his... her... mind as to what he wants to be when he grows up. Here are photos of him. He didn't lay the egg but he wanted to sit on it. He's halfway between a roo and a hen it seems. He doesn't make any...
  4. HobbitChicken

    Reviews/comments on Nutrena Walnut Grove feeds?

    Does anyone feed the Nutrena's "Walnut Grove" feeds (to either horses and/or chickens)? A new store was put in basically at the end of our driveway and this would make buying feed a dream... I do like Nutrena products fairly well so does anyone have anything to say about the Walnut Grove line? I...
  5. HobbitChicken

    At what age do SLW grow saddle feathers?

    Here's some other photos. Not the greatest, but.
  6. HobbitChicken

    At what age do SLW grow saddle feathers?

    That's good to hear lol! Are they a breed that can usually be feather sexed?
  7. HobbitChicken

    At what age do SLW grow saddle feathers?

    It's hard to get pictures of them lol, they aren't very friendly. I got some photos but not of all of them. There are two that look like this: More white and they're a lot bigger than the others, but they're still really pale in comparison. And three that are basically like this...
  8. HobbitChicken

    At what age do SLW grow saddle feathers?

    I guess this is the right place to post, anyway. I have five 12 week old SLW that all have varying amounts of white, and some are redder than others but none appear to be developing combs or large wattles. I feather sexed them when I picked them up in hopes of choosing all pullets but this is...
  9. HobbitChicken

    Could someone help with the color and gender of these EEs?

    At about what age is it a good time to assess their adult temperaments? I've heard 6mo to a year? Aaaand will babying them and frequent handling at this age (nine weeks) make any difference once the testosterone kicks in? Here's some close-ups of their little faces. #3 Mostly friendly and...
  10. HobbitChicken

    Could someone help with the color and gender of these EEs?

    I figured that #2 and #3 were roosters because they are the definition of flashy, but the last two confused me because they seemed dull to me -- but I have never dealt with roos before, either. Had hens for three years but was always pressured to not get a rooster. I noticed on #4 this morning...
  11. HobbitChicken

    Could someone help with the color and gender of these EEs?

    That's where I started reading but it seemed like some of these guys didn't conform, and I also was interested in the terminology for their coloration, so just started a new topic.
  12. HobbitChicken

    Could someone help with the color and gender of these EEs?

    If the saddle feathers are the best indicator, then #1, #4 and #5 don't have them (yet), but #2 and #3 have really obvious, glamorous saddle feathers. There's a behind-view of #4 in the photo of #2 so you can see, no saddle feathers there. But #5 was my first suspected roo because he matured...
  13. HobbitChicken

    Could someone help with the color and gender of these EEs?

    Since I gave them all girl names, I kind of figured that would be my luck. LOL.
  14. HobbitChicken

    Could someone help with the color and gender of these EEs?

    Hey folks, new here. Lurked around for a little while but now I've got some questions so figured I'd join! For those of you who know your colors, what would you say these guys and gals are? They are nine weeks old today. Pretty sure there's a couple of roos but just want everyone's opinion...
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