Recent content by HogwartsHenmistress

  1. HogwartsHenmistress

    6 week Light Brahma Gender Guesses

    All girls! All laying very regularly! Thanks for asking!
  2. HogwartsHenmistress

    6 week Light Brahma Gender Guesses

    I will continue to update. Thank you for your feedback @TheOddOneOut and @Silviaschicks....I had guessed 2 and 3 were boys😭 they are so loved and will be missed if/when we have to rehome
  3. HogwartsHenmistress

    6 week Light Brahma Gender Guesses

    Hello there! First time chicken owner here. Picked up these 3 brahmas from TSC this summer. I love them so much (although I didnt know I was getting brahmas, as they were mislabeled...oops...) They are roughly 6 weeks old, which I understand may be too early, but I'm wondering if the comb...
  4. HogwartsHenmistress

    TSC Mystery Chicks-Breed Help!

    I believe they are brahmas. I think the comb is a pea comb, as I have others (this BR inclided) with straight, single combs and these chicks are definitely different. These chickies are getting big FAST...much faster than the other chicks I've got
  5. HogwartsHenmistress

    Rest In Peace little baby Echo

    I'm so sorry. I cant imagine.
  6. HogwartsHenmistress

    advice on getting my silkie chick to stop pecking freckles?

    My new little BPR started doing this on my arms and face. Ouch! I'm glad you had already asked.. I will wait for her to outgrow this habit!
  7. HogwartsHenmistress

    Is this just the first egg and will it get MUCH bigger overtime?

    No info as I'm a newbie but oh my goodness what a sweet little egg! It's so teeny it makes me giggle😂😂
  8. HogwartsHenmistress

    TSC Mystery Chicks-Breed Help!

    A has black on top/orange on bottom legs.
  9. HogwartsHenmistress

    TSC Mystery Chicks-Breed Help!

    Today I impulse bought 4 chicks at TSC (the rest of my flock is coming by mail this week). I believe I know one is a Barred Plymouth Rock (Chick A). The others I believe were incorrectly labeled. Chicks B and C were in the bin with Chick A which had labels for Starlight Green Eggers and Barred...
  10. HogwartsHenmistress

    Hogwarts HENmistress and the Harry Potter Chicks here to learn!

    Hi All! I'm thrilled to say I am a chicken 🐓 newbie adopting my first chicks in mid July (after our family back vacation as I hear those little ones need a lot of attention!) I've wanted chickens for years, but we never had enough land and lived in neighborhoods that didn't allow chickens...
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