Recent content by HollieD

  1. HollieD

    training a dog to leave chickens alone

    So you guys seem to know...I have a Pyr that has been a fairly decent guardian for the chicks..she's pretty crippled now, and doing the best she can. .I recently got a new pup...8 months old...part New Foundland/Giant Malamute....Last week, he got out with the Pyr...and killed one chicken, and...
  2. HollieD

    Two roos in a coop!

    Thanks! Its weird! But I really feel for my chickens! I raised them from babies...thats the thing! Thanks for your advice
  3. HollieD

    Two roos in a coop!

    Hi All! Have 2 clearly dominant...great guardian...the other has 2 girlfriends, and they like to live in a tree at night. Its fine in the summer, but they'll be frozen chicken in the winter...I live in Colorado. I am trying to integrating in the coop with my other boy and his 8...
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