Recent content by hollycs

  1. hollycs

    Broody hen killed newly hatched chick?

    So frustrating. I took three away from her. I hatched two myself, and the other one never did hatch. One of the chicks I hatched died which leaves me with one lonely little chick :( I want to buy her a buddy, but I can't find anyone near me with baby chicks. They are all a few months old. She...
  2. hollycs

    Raising a baby chick alone?

    Glad to hear that. I tried to buy a baby chick for her but I guess it's the wrong time of year because I can't find any. I guess she's just stuck with us ;) I'm concerned about putting her back in with the mom after she tried to eat her! Any idea why they do that. Did yours do it to any other...
  3. hollycs

    Raising a baby chick alone?

    This is exactly what happened to me. Now I have one chick to hatch. I know this is old, but how did it turn out? When did you put her back in with the other chickens and did they accept her?
  4. hollycs

    Broody hen killed newly hatched chick?

    This happened to me this morning as well. My Buff killed 3 newly hatched eggs. I would love to hear from you to see what happened to the rest of your eggs. Did any hatch? Any advice?
  5. hollycs

    Bad mom???

    My hen has become broody for the first time. She has been sitting on 16 eggs for the past 3 weeks. She has not however been protective of the nest AT all. As soon as I open the coop door she jumps off the eggs and runs around which is contrary to everything I have read. Anyway, day before...
  6. hollycs

    The girls won't lay

    They will be a year old in November. They are not losing their feathers. No stressful occurrences and they are not hiding their eggs. I thought about that and normally I let they free range during they day so I have kept them locked up in their coop thinking that they were laying elsewhere, but...
  7. hollycs

    The girls won't lay

    I have 4 buff orp hens and a Rooster. Up until the last month they were laying 3-4 eggs every single day. Now all of a sudden ALL 4 hens have just completely quit laying. I have not had one egg in over a month. Is this typical behavior? Any advice would be appreciated.
  8. hollycs

    Hens laying fertilized eggs, but not sitting on them

    I have noticed that the eggs from my buffs have all been fertilized when I crack them. I have still been collecting the eggs every day though because none of the hens seem to be sitting on them. They are out of the coop all day. Should I leave the eggs alone, and if so for how long? They are...
  9. hollycs

    My rooster is starting to become aggressive.

    Well, thank goodness my Rooster has seemed to chill out He still sometimes puffs up at us, but he has not tried to attack anyone again. So he gets to stick around for now which makes all of us happy.
  10. hollycs

    The girls are officially laying!!!

    Ok so my hens are almost 5 moths old and last night my son found 6 eggs! The problem is that I don't know how long they have been there because they aren't laying in their nice comfy cozy nest boxes my husband worked so hard on :( He found them in one of the roost boxes and it never would have...
  11. hollycs

    Is my Rooster fertile?

    I know this may seem like a stupid question, but I am a newbie to the chicken world and so I honestly don't know. I have 21 week old Buff Orpingtons. 4 hens and 1 Rooster. They have started mating vigorously over the past couple of days. The hens have not started laying yet, but my question is...
  12. I love my boy

    I love my boy

  13. Jake and Lady Gaga

    Jake and Lady Gaga

  14. Ethan and Safron

    Ethan and Safron

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