Recent content by Holyhabanero

  1. Holyhabanero

    Sponsored Post Congratulations MamaNini! You won a beautiful coop from Handcrafted Coops!

    Without a doubt, my advice is to anyone who is thinking about getting chickens is to stop! Stop thinking about it, and just do it. You can research chicken breeds, behaviors, coop designs, and feed types, for years and years, but the real learning, and the real joy comes when you just stop...
  2. Holyhabanero

    Need help on Backyard Chickens demonstration

    Thanks everyone, this will get me going in the right direction.
  3. Holyhabanero

    Need help on Backyard Chickens demonstration

    Quote: Glad you find that funny, but I was just asked to do it today. Anyone else out there that can actually offer some help?
  4. Holyhabanero

    Need help on Backyard Chickens demonstration

    I'm short on time, and hoped that one had already been created. But if I can't find one, then I will have to do it myself.
  5. Holyhabanero

    Need help on Backyard Chickens demonstration

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum, this question didn't really fit anywhere. I'm giving a demonstration at a local preparedness fair on raising backyard chickens and need some sort of handout or flyer. Does anyone know of a good generic flyer or brochure that has good info on raising backyard...
  6. Holyhabanero

    Is one of these Buff's a boy?

    Does the age make a difference? Or do you still think they're both girls?
  7. Holyhabanero

    Is one of these Buff's a boy?

    I got them as chicks in February, so I figure they're about 6 months old.
  8. Holyhabanero

    Color of first eggs from Easter Egger

    My Easter Egger just laid her first egg and it is pretty much white. Is that the color it will always be? My kids were hoping for blue or green.
  9. Holyhabanero

    When can I start eating eggs laid by new chickens

    My chickens finally started laying eggs for the first time, but I remember reading somewhere that the first few eggs aren't too good to eat or something like that. If that is true, then when can I start eating them?
  10. Holyhabanero

    Finally finished my chicken tractor!

    It only took me two months. and about $250. But it's done, and the ckicks really dig it.
  11. Holyhabanero

    Are one of these 6 week old Barred Rocks a boy?

    Quote: Yep, my city finally allowed chickens in the city limits last year but they will only allow hens on lots less than one acre. Of course it's ok that my neighbor has a neglected beagle that barks non-stop at all hours of the day and night, and never gets cleaned up after, so their yard...
  12. Holyhabanero

    Are one of these 6 week old Barred Rocks a boy?

    That's what I was afraid of. Thanks everyone!
  13. Holyhabanero

    Who else had their chicks BEFORE they built their coop?

    Bought my seven chicks a month ago. Started them out in a 10 gal aquarium, but now they're currently in a very large box/brooder. I'm still working on the tractor. It's about 90% complete. I had hoped to have it completed this weekend, but darned if it isn't snowing right now, so it looks like...
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