Recent content by HolyHens

  1. HolyHens

    *there is something in the water*

    Thanks everyone!! HUGE SIGH of relief!
  2. HolyHens

    They learned how to escape!

    First, thanks sumi! Thanks everyone! We are building the fence higher now after realizing they can jump high enough and climb ontop of the current. We do let them free range when we are home.. I feel like that is the problem but I won't stop because it's good for them ugh
  3. HolyHens


  4. HolyHens


  5. HolyHens

    They learned how to escape!

    I got a call from my fiancé at work on Friday saying my chickens are wandering down the street...... Does anyone clip wings that can give instruction??? Maybe if they can't jump and fly that high they can't escape?... They are being teenagers and being horrible little girls but I love them so...
  6. HolyHens

    *there is something in the water*

    I am swarmed with guilt... Let me just start off with saying that... I started to go back to school last week and I could not tend to my girls as diligently as I normally do... I change their water normally every 2 days, however this week I think I have them fresh water Monday and by Friday...
  7. HolyHens


    Thanks everyone! I must have taken it personally! Lol next time I'll look to the skies first!
  8. HolyHens

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    I've heard all of those too!! My grandmother even said, pop won't eat those... I will but he won't. I asked her why and she wouldn't tell me... Lol I love when people say the "no you need a rooster" line, I normally come back with "do you need a man to produce an egg?" Amen! I pass this one...
  9. HolyHens


    Hello!!! My one chicken just stood still, I was rounding the two up to put in their pen and when she got to the doorway she just stopped. The other one came inside. But Georgia just stood outside the door and started making this growling noise. It was like she was stunned or something, she...
  10. HolyHens

    I need help and I'm new

    Thanks! For the wormer, is there a time frame to not eat the eggs (or will it say that on the wormer?)? Their food is out all day, they are in the backyard in about a 600 square foot fenced in ares. The "coop" is a little stone house about 150 square feet that has a nesting box, that is where...
  11. HolyHens

    I need help and I'm new

    Hello! I am new to this website and so happy to be a part of it! I have 2 buff orpingtons, beautiful girls, that are spring babies. We bought them from a farmer in March not knowing their age, they were pitiful looking (honestly I didn't think they were going to survive). However, we nursed...
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