Recent content by homesteadlizzy

  1. homesteadlizzy

    Lets count to a million

  2. homesteadlizzy

    New home with plenty of predators - looking for wisdom

    Thank you so much for your input - Funny, we had four dogs (a mother, two of her puppies, and a "stray") for 17 years - after all the heartbreak of losing them at their times my husband and I were over dogs for a while - it's been about a year and a couple months since the last of them... but...
  3. homesteadlizzy

    New member but long time reader...

    Welcome to the flock!!
  4. homesteadlizzy

    Lets count to a million

  5. homesteadlizzy

    New home with plenty of predators - looking for wisdom

    We moved into our new home right before Thanksgiving. There is a shed out back that would be perfect for a coop - I would start my flock this spring however..... since we have lived here I have seen a HUGE hawk, an owl, racoons in my yard, heard coyotes and have been told about foxes. I'm sure...
  6. homesteadlizzy


  7. homesteadlizzy

    Boys VS Girls

  8. homesteadlizzy

    Lets count to a million

  9. homesteadlizzy

    Clay outdoor bread oven??

    I LOVE earth ovens.... I have wanted to build one for so long, but our soil here is not clay at all, and my husband just hasn't found the inspiration to help me yet....(I am sure I will need help ;) Please keep us posted on your progress...It looks like a lot more work than I thought it would...
  10. homesteadlizzy

    Vote For NEW "Chillin With My Peeps" Shirt Colors!!

    I say black because any gray colour shows sweat.... probably the blue too...
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