Recent content by Honeysuckle

  1. Honeysuckle

    Honeysuckles Page

    Deleted the story. I got tired of writing it. So anyway, I guess you could call me Plant cause Honey and Suckle would sound weird. I have 1 Barred Rock hen, 3 Black sex-links. We also have more 6 week old chicks then we need :) I lost count of them, but I believe it's 21 cheeping chicks. I don't...
  2. Honeysuckle

    I thought men weren't aloud to have earrings, let alone 10...

    My six year old cousin and I were sitting on the couch watching T.V., and it was the couch close to the door. A man stepped up the stairs, and since I didn't see him clearly because the glass makes thing's all wavy looking, I thought it was someone helping home-health that had come for my...
  3. Honeysuckle

    What Would You Do If? (WWYDI)

    Pick it up. What would ya do if someone took a thousand dollars from you? (I know what I would do...)
  4. Honeysuckle

    Share Your Dreams / Nightmares **** What Are They About?****

    Night terrors sound horrible. I'm glad I didn't have them. I haved just plain weird dreams. Not that scary or anything. I had a dream about a woman dressed as a chicken stealing people's souls. Was scared out of my wits (I was 5) and I had the same dream when I was 8. That's pretty much all of...
  5. Honeysuckle

    Looking for some Frizzle chicken pictures!

    My cousin wants to see some frizzle chickens. So I think alot of you have this bred. Would you mind showing you pictures to us?
  6. Honeysuckle

    5 torando's in 5 mintutes..

    There was a bad storm in Kentucky last night. The wind was so strong it blew are solid steel stand right over! But it did have a heavy fern on it that might of helped the wind. One newscaster said there was a torando in my cousin's town, but he said there wasn't. And the cheif newscaster said he...
  7. Honeysuckle

    wierd questions

    To save the unempolyment agency some money. Why is there so much fog here when it's was so hot?
  8. Honeysuckle

    One of my hen's is doing weird things..

    Today the hen had all of her tail feathers up and had them spread (like a peacock) and had puffed up her body to the size of our rooster! She in the roosting spot, not in the nest. What is she doing? She's also chasing the other hens around.
  9. Honeysuckle

    I just got weirded out!! My patio table and umbrella just took off

    You getting thunderstorm warning's too? I live in KY so I'm pretty close to you. Hope it's no a robber. I would freak out to xD
  10. Honeysuckle

    Gamers United!

    with Barbie.
  11. Honeysuckle

    Gamers United!

    I thought Mother3 was already out in english. o.o That chuggaaconroy (prob. spelled that wrong, but I don't care) has already played the whole game and posted it on youtube. (And you probulay already know that and is waiting the the official english game.)
  12. Honeysuckle

    Find a Picture of the Person Above You! *New Game*

    Character from a video game. (Animal crossing) Same name xD
  13. Honeysuckle

    Fabulous photos

    The pictures do not show up, sorry.
  14. Honeysuckle

    can someone help identify my breed

    I'd say the rooster is a mutt.
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