Recent content by Hoofy7

  1. Hoofy7

    Incubating peafowl eggs thread

    I am concerned for my 3 peafowl eggs. One I am pretty sure quit as it doesn't look like the other two eggs development wise. One of the other two I have not noticed any movement or seen any movement when I candeled in the last 3 days. The remaining egg is rocking often so I'm not concerned for...
  2. Hoofy7

    Incubating peafowl eggs thread

    Hi! I have 3 peafowl due to hatch next week. Two look fantastic but one that was previously somersaulting now looks different than the other 2. Is there any peafowl candling photos by days of development? I am also looking for more eggs in case I have any problems with these hatching. Thanks!
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