Recent content by huevosfritos

  1. huevosfritos

    Babies dying!!!!

    3 out of 6 baby chicks have died. One of them looked as he was not completely formed: bloody head, sticky feathers... I found another one underneath the mamma after a week she or he was born. What's wrong? Is mamma sloppy and she is killing them, (suffocating them) or there is something more...
  2. huevosfritos

    Some causes of EARLY CHICK MORTALITY

    My baby chickens keep dying after birth... only 3 have survived so far. They looked like they didn't form completely...bloody head and wet feathers. What's wrong??? Help!!!!!! They were born naturally.
  3. huevosfritos

    getting ready for the winter

    Hi: We live in Central Texas and nights are starting to get a little chilly (around 50 degrees). Should I provide my chickens with a source of heat? I have noticed that the egg production is going down and maybe if they are kept warm they will continue to lay. Thanks!
  4. huevosfritos

    It hatched!!! now what?

    oh, she's the boss!!!... i tried to pet her once and she bit me!!!!:o Nature has its ways and I don't want to interfere, just learn. My guess is that she will soon abandon the baby and the nest, and that might be the time for me to play the surrogate mom... I just checked on them. She has...
  5. huevosfritos

    It hatched!!! now what?

    Dinah's egg just hatched today!!!! The baby is sooo cute... I'm so amazed by the miracle of life!!!! She has been in a zen state inside a box in the garage for 3 weeks. I used to visit her every morning just getting close enough to refill the water and the feeder but today she won't even allow...
  6. huevosfritos

    it hatched!!! now what?

    Dinah's egg just hatched today!!!! The baby is sooo cute... I'm so amazed by the miracle of life!!!! She has been in a zen state inside a box in the garage for 3 weeks. I used to visit her every morning just getting close enough to refill the water and the feeder but today she won't even allow...
  7. huevosfritos

    is mamma hungry?

    thank y'all!! Now she has food and water all for herself but hasn't touch it yet :|
  8. huevosfritos

    is mamma hungry?

    One of my RIR has been sitting for the last 2 days (day and night). She chose an old box in the garage that is pretty far away from the coop/food/water. Should I provide her a closer source of food and water? I'm soooo excited...I'm going to have baby chix!!!!!!!
  9. huevosfritos

    is mamma hungry?

    One of my RIR has been sitting for the last 2 days (day and night). She chose an old box in the garage that is pretty far away from the coop/food/water. Should I provide her a closer source of food and water? I'm soooo excited...I'm going to have baby chix!!!!!!!
  10. huevosfritos

    eggs overload!!!

    I was wondering if there was other use, besides eating them... like, if I use the crashed shells for the plants what can i do with the rest? I give an egg twice a week to my dogs. I don't know if hight cholesterol from eating too many eggs it's true or a myth and if it is the same for dogs. I...
  11. huevosfritos

    eggs overload!!!

    I have way to many eggs!!! I'm waiting for the cartons I ordered online to be able to sell them... I have been giving them away in the meantime... still too many. Any ideas?
  12. huevosfritos

    Scabs on comb. What are they?

    Hi Sunny_side_up! Here are the pictures again. Thanks!!! I tried to send you a personal message with the files attached but I'm not sure you got it! Thanks again for taking the time to reply. and here is another rooster with a broken leg. You can read more about it if you search for "cripple...
  13. huevosfritos

    Crippled rooster

    ha! Thanks for the reply. I thought of taking him to the Vet too but my husband laughed at me and said that the vet would probably suggest to make some chicken broth... I will NEVER eat my chickens!!!!:mad: thanks sassycathill!
  14. huevosfritos

    Crippled rooster

    soo sad... it breaks my heart!!!! Limbo was very healthy when a baby and very independent. He's the only speckled sussex in the gang. I ordered 3 sussex hens but the hatchery sold out. BABY LIMBO: Over a month ago I noticed he was limping and had a small wound on one leg. He probably got...
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