Recent content by ILoveBabyChicks00994

  1. I

    My chicken can't move??

    Omg thank you!! Today she was able to stand up, she's not as sleepy anymore! Her legs are still shaky but we are getting somewhere ((: is there anything I need to add now? Certain food or so? Knowing we don't have any medicated feed where I live but I'm open to making one at home.
  2. I

    My chicken can't move??

    Okay I bought a vitamine B complex for humans, I'll attach the picture. Is this one safe for her?
  3. I

    My chicken can't move??

    She's 3 years old. I've been feeding her boiled eggs. I think she's molting, the rooster is pretty friendly. What type of tuna do I feed her though? The regular canned one? Is the oil in it okay for her?
  4. I

    My chicken can't move??

    I'm not giving her normal feed at the moment, just vitamins, electrolytes and an antibiotic. She can eat though, like she can swallow herself and stuff, I'll have her back on her normal feed. I checked for mice, she doesn't have any.
  5. I

    My chicken can't move??

    No mites. I checked her legs, when I drop them? She can hold them back. When I lift her up she is also able to keep moving her legs, but she can't stand on them. 🥺 Is this a vitamin B problem? I'm giving her general ones atm
  6. I

    My chicken can't move??

    Okay, my hen has been sick for one day now. She doesn't have any other symptoms except not being able to move. I've been syringe giving her vitamins and ectrolytes. Her poop doesn't have any worms, she's not wheezing. I'm really confused what's wrong with her 😞
  7. I

    Inflamed large crop? Any help?

    That's an upclose picture of her crop, she isn't really tired or anything? Eating normally, but her crop feels kinda big?
  8. I

    Hen losing balance!! sick!! help!

    Small update: She's feeling better now! Still gonna continue the course to be on the safe side. Thanks for everyone who helped!!! Really appreciate it so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  9. I

    Hen losing balance!! sick!! help!

    I gave her a dewormer, she's now able to walk around for a bit! Which is great, still loses coordination after a couple of steps then balances her self with her wings! I also noticed that her poop is black, it's solid not diaherea now. Can it be because of the vitamins? They're iron-free. Or the...
  10. I

    Hen losing balance!! sick!! help!

    I'm very uneducated on chickens' breeds in general 😅 she's around 2-3 kg. I don't think she lost any weight than the other day, i gave her a dewormer then another round of vitamins. She's still alive thankfully, not sure if she's getting better or not, but I'll get a new type of dewormer...
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    Hen losing balance!! sick!! help!

    I never knew about that, I usually only deworm when I see signs of worms 😔 I'll do a regular routine for them for now on though ): Thank you! She is still doing really bad, it's so sad how she was just fine some hours ago! I just gave her an antibiotic, hope it works, will give her a dewormer...
  12. I

    Hen losing balance!! sick!! help!

    I give her corn and barley next to the fruits. I do feed her eggs and carrots as well. I only feed yoghurt occasionally because I know they can't digest diary but it's a good antibiotic so I give it to them with limits. I tried roosting crushing eggs once but I failed so I just give her a...
  13. I

    Hen losing balance!! sick!! help!

    She has another chicken with her in her coop, wouldn't she also be affected by the mites if this one is? She's perfectly healthy. Also I heard that I can see the lice or mites if I spread her feathers, I didn't see anything moving between them. They're ruffled but other than that normal (I know...
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