Recent content by Ilovejesus

  1. Ilovejesus

    Muscovy can’t walk!

    She standing!!! Still limping. I didn’t see any any blood or marks.
  2. Ilovejesus

    Muscovy can’t walk!

    My female Muscovy was fine all day then around 4 I saw she couldn’t walk on my cameras. I think the male hurt her some how. Will she get better? She was kind of mov8n* her feet and using her wings to move. I don’t know what to do. I have her in a crate so no-one can hurt her.
  3. Ilovejesus

    Good age to eat?

    If it’s a female I want to keep it.
  4. Ilovejesus

    Good age to eat?

    I think this is a male Muskovy duck I can’t have two males. 17 weeks a good time to cull? In the middle.
  5. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    ** update ** All the babies are white. I believe there are two females and one male. The male has some black spots . The male is on the far right.
  6. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    Here is an update he molted and has the new feathers purple and green sooo beautiful! Also more white head.
  7. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    Oh that would be awesome they are so beautiful !!!
  8. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    Ohh. Never heard that.
  9. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    Here you go one side and the other
  10. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    Yes! This is my first ducks and babies! I’m so excited and just want to know now. Lmao. I wish the 4th one would have made it it was dark and had a darker beak. It was so cute! :(
  11. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    I can get more, he lets me get pretty close. I’ll take a clearer one.
  12. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    The original picture at the top is the male chocolate and the mom white. I wonder if they will be half chocolate and white? That would be so cute.
  13. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    Update Three babies I had to help all hatched and now dry! What color will they be?
  14. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    She had 6 now 4! I don’t know what happened.:(
  15. Ilovejesus

    Duckling colorings?

    Ohhhh thank you so much. That’s awesome. I think she’s a mix no idea what her mom and dad were. I do hope I get some lilac. That would be so pretty. She is sitting on 6 so when they hatch I’ll get pictures. I was trying to google it but couldn’t find anything. Not sure what to look for.
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