Recent content by Ilovemyladies!

  1. Ilovemyladies!

    Curse of the Rooster(s)

    I have 6, 15wk old Rhode Island Red pullets. Four of them are, I think, roosters because of their combs are larger than the two hens. Their tail feathers are also a little longer. Also, the hens are a lighter color than the roosters.
  2. Ilovemyladies!

    Curse of the Rooster(s)

    LOL thanks!
  3. Ilovemyladies!

    Hen with maggots on vent! PLEASE HELP!!

    Thanks to everyone for their help & input
  4. Ilovemyladies!

    When buying chicks do you prefer to...... (POLL)

    I tried to hatch once but only one out of five lived.Now I stick with buying them day old.
  5. Ilovemyladies!

    Curse of the Rooster(s)

    Whenever somebody gives me a chicken it ALWAYS turns out to be a rooster. I think I have the Rooster Curse LOL. Anyway,I have a Leghorn rooster and a Rainbow rooster. I only have three hens( a Phoenix, RIR, Buff Orp). They are putting a beating on the girls. I don't want to kill them but I am...
  6. Ilovemyladies!

    Mean Hen

    The jumping on the back and attacking necks sounds like something a rooster would do. That's how roosters mate. It sounds like you have a rooster. Could you upload a picture so I could see how big his comb is?
  7. Ilovemyladies!

    Hen with maggots on vent! PLEASE HELP!!

    Sorry to say but she passed this afternoon I went out to check on her and she was fine. As soon as I started to leave the barn she started to have, I think, some sorta seizure for ten seconds and then she stopped moving. I don't know what I did wrong But at least she was comfortable these last...
  8. Ilovemyladies!

    Tell me about owning goats

    I have had at least ten goats in the past and they were a breeze to take care of. I would go out before work and make sure their water tub was filled up. I feed them hay and a scoop of sweet feed almost every night. They like to climb so is there anything they can climb on? My goats used to...
  9. Ilovemyladies!

    Hen with maggots on vent! PLEASE HELP!!

    My neighbor, who is a chicken guru, said to mix up an egg and use the syringe to feed it to her. I fed her half an egg and she enjoyed it!
  10. Ilovemyladies!

    Hen with maggots on vent! PLEASE HELP!!

    She is standing up on her own. Still not drinking or eating. It's almost 100 here in KY. I still have the fan on her. I have gotten some water into her throat with the syringe. I sprayed her bottom. I'm going to the feed store tomorrow night when I get paid. I will buy a container of SWAT & get...
  11. Ilovemyladies!

    Hen with maggots on vent! PLEASE HELP!!

    I have a spray bottle of Blu-Kote! Yay! If this doesn't work I will get some SWAT. Thanks! I'll keep y'all posted!
  12. Ilovemyladies!

    Hen with maggots on vent! PLEASE HELP!!

    I washed her around one this afternoon and it is almost 8:30 at my house and I just checked and she is free of maggots. I dusted her behind with diatomaceous earth because it is a natural bug killer. I will use neosporin tomorrow when I check on her. Thank you so much! God Bless...
  13. Ilovemyladies!

    Hen with maggots on vent! PLEASE HELP!!

    i just found a hen with maggots on her vent. She was bathed and we cleaned it out. She is refusing to drink but I have managed to get some water down her throat with a syringe. She is in a cage by herself with a fan on her since it's almost 95 degrees. She is a Plymouth Rock so she doesn't fair...
  14. Ilovemyladies!

    4 month old Buff Orp roo suddenly lethargic, weak, with pale comb.

    I just found a hen with maggots on her vent. She was bathed and we cleaned it out. She is refusing to drink but I have managed to get some water down her throat with a syringe. She is in a cage by herself with a fan on her since it's almost 95 degrees. She is a Plymouth Rock so she doesn't fair...
  15. Ilovemyladies!

    Teeny-Tiny bug dilema-HELP!

    How would I get rid of them??
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