Recent content by imaflightyone

  1. imaflightyone

    They hatched

    I'm in Vermont but i can ship i had a friend of mine who works at our local feed store sex them i have 4 pullets and 3 roos
  2. imaflightyone

    They hatched

    Hey everyone just wanted to say 2 batches of my chicks hatched today in the barn which now are separated i have 7 Blue Silkies and 6 buff Orpington when the blue silkies are older i will be getting rid of them because i have alot of them so if anyone is interested just let me know.
  3. imaflightyone

    How hot is to hot?

    will it cause them to slow laying if they get to hot?
  4. imaflightyone

    Can someone help me figure out what breed

    Hey everyone i have 2 hens that look just like this one they are white with black spots almost they both have black feet and legs only one is laying but she lays great everyday i get a nice egg from her and im just trying to figure out what breed she is so i can figure out if she will go broody...
  5. imaflightyone

    Light Problem

    I'm going to have chicks tomorrow 6 of them actually and because i wont be able to get a light for a few days i was wondering what can i use for them i will be keeping them in the house and its between 65-70 degrees in the room they will be and also is there anything they can eat other then...
  6. imaflightyone

    stupid question, but

    I have several bantams and they are only about half as tall as a normal sized egg and about as big around as a quarter.
  7. imaflightyone

    I'm new to chickens and have a question

    Hey everyone I'm Alex and i have only had chickens about 2 months now and im Addicted what im wondering about is my hens are laying in there nest boxes in a milk crate and wherever else they feel its okay if i take the eggs and where they are laying is empty will they still lay there?
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