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  1. Is that an Egg?

    Transgender Duck? 😅

    I got a Rouen drake, the photo with the green head is when I first got him. I’ve had him a couple months, now he’s literally changing his colors and looking like a female I’m so confused.
  2. Is that an Egg?

    How long for my chicks to come out

    I have Turkey chicks hatching today, I’ve never hatched eggs before, they’re peeping and some have holes in the shell. How long now before they fully come out? If they don’t, can I assist?
  3. Is that an Egg?

    HELP! Turkey stopped sitting

    I made the dumb decision to move my Turkey and her eggs because she was in the woods and I think getting close to hatching. Well now I don’t think she’s sitting on them. Probably been about 12 hours since I moved her. I don’t know how old the eggs are. I just bought an incubator, what do I do?
  4. Is that an Egg?

    What breed is this gray hen

    She’s not as chunky as my sapphires & Orpington but idk
  5. Is that an Egg?

    What breed is this gray hen

    What breed is she? Not sure what egg color she lays the previous owner doesn’t remember breed
  6. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    Is it contagious to other animals?
  7. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    There was a small amount of paint left, it rained and filled the bucket up so we immediately dumped it so they wouldn’t drink it but not sure if they got to it before we did. I will see if I have the funds for a necropsy.
  8. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    I’d like to, right now I’m struggling to find a vet that will even see them.
  9. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    Yes but there was a paint bucket left out. I think it might be some sort of respiratory disease, just lost another one this morning. Eyes intact but blood coming out around them.
  10. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    Yes the Cayuga just passed. He made it through the night but seemed very weak. Keeping an eye out on the others. It was a wire crate so that may be a possibility, it almost seemed infected. The Pekin didn’t have signs of injury, was just slow and lethargic.
  11. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    Not that I could tell. None of our chickens or turkeys are this way. Wasps maybe? But I don’t know if that would cause them to die. The Pekin is dead, and the Cayuga is on the way.
  12. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    I thought my chickens could’ve pecked his eyes but I put the ducklings in a dog crate in the coop at night to prevent that.
  13. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    I NEED HELP!! EDIT: Could this be paint toxicity?! We painted the coop and the only thing I can think of that could’ve gotten them sick other than natural reasons is maybe they got into the paint? UPDATE #1: Black duckling is inside under the heat lamp, laying completely flat. Don’t think...
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