Recent content by islandbirdgirl

  1. islandbirdgirl

    Twisted neck, watery droppings, lethargic

    I have a bantam hen, about a year old, and a couple days ago her comb started to flop over, and all she's been doing all day is pacing the pen. I have never seen her do this before. I also noticed that when I picked her up her neck twisted almost completely backwards. When I put her down her...
  2. islandbirdgirl

    Some Cockatiel questions.

    Thank you so much! That was really helpful. I wasn't necessarily wanting to breed them, just wondering if it was abnormal that she wasn't laying.
  3. islandbirdgirl

    Some Cockatiel questions.

    Thank you! I have a nesting box, but it's not set up. That makes sense now. And it's good to know about adding a male. I wouldn't want anything to happen to him!
  4. islandbirdgirl

    Some Cockatiel questions.

    Hi there. I have two cockatiels, a male and a female. I've had them for about a year now. The female is sweet and likes to come out and perch on my shoulder. She has never layed an egg. I'm a little confused about this.The male is really mean. He'll hiss at me when I put my hand in the cage and...
  5. islandbirdgirl

    can I give corid to birds that might not have coccidiosis?

    Hi, I have some silkie chicks and I've found some blood in the droppings. I'm not sure which one is sick though... Will it hurt the other birds if I give all of them the corid?
  6. islandbirdgirl

    I want to get quail but I have cats. What should I do?

    My cats both live outside. I would probably keep the quail outside (once they are older) and build a rabbit-hutch-sized raised cage.
  7. islandbirdgirl

    Last Letter Animal!

    Oops it was supposed to be after egg sucking leech. Lion.
  8. islandbirdgirl

    Last Letter Animal!

  9. islandbirdgirl

    Last Letter Animal!

    nile crocodile
  10. islandbirdgirl

    I want to get quail but I have cats. What should I do?

    yaay! So how much space would Coturnix need?
  11. islandbirdgirl

    I want to get quail but I have cats. What should I do?

    How high would I need to make the cage? I don't know how many, maybe 3 or 4 to start with? Would Coturnix be okay? Or still to small? Thanks!
  12. islandbirdgirl

    --Happy Houdan's Chat Thread--

    Hi! Can I join?
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