Recent content by JackAubrey

  1. JackAubrey

    Eating me into bankruptcy!

    Junebuggena,No, these are being raised as egg layers.I think a few will turn out to be roosters, so we'll eat them. Shortgrass, I did not realize a pound a week was normal, you're right, were right about where we need to be! I saw an article in Mother Earth News about fermenting feed! Seems...
  2. JackAubrey

    All my chicks are dead...

    I am very sorry for your loss, it isn't easy, but it's part of raising chickens. I say it was through no fault of your own. You did the best that you knew how, and you have learned some powerful , painful lessons. When you say "poultry wire"' is that what we used to call "chicken wire"? If so...
  3. JackAubrey

    Eating me into bankruptcy!

    Hello the forum! I have a BUNCH (40+) chicks. They are 5 weeks old and all feathered out. I buy a 50 lb bag of chick starter, and they eat it all in less than a week! I leave feed in there for them 24/7, can I get by with feeding them once or twice a day or do they require access to food at all...
  4. JackAubrey

    Now this is turining into a business!

    I like the ideaof separating the roosters and only introducing a hen when I want chicks. This leads to the next question, can I house a bunch of rooster together? Will they get on the way hens get along? I will raise them to eat. JA
  5. JackAubrey

    New chicken owner problems with bullies

    Mix a little diatomaceous earth into their dust bathing area. It keep fleas and mites off my girls. I also mix it into their feed to prevent internal parasites , and it's natural. Best regards, JA
  6. JackAubrey

    Now this is turining into a business!

    Hello the forum! I need advice. I have just bought 40 RIR chicks, 18 were all girls-( pullets, right?) and the other 22 from Tractor Supply- a straight run. I already have 7 full grown hens, 4 RIR's, and 3 SLW. I'm thinking to break it up into 3 flocks and devoting two acres for free...
  7. JackAubrey

    Mercy Killing

    Hi guys, sry took so long to get back to BYC, been busier than a 3 legged chicken at a square dance. Bobbi J, you know, you are right, I have not spent any time with her. Therefore, the fault is mine, not hers. She's just being a dog. Yochickiemamma, I took your advice and bought a shock...
  8. JackAubrey

    Mercy Killing

    I have a purebred black lab. I got a purebred because I THOUGHT I would know what to expect. This numbskull has killed 3 of my hens, I can't trust her with them at all. I saw her pawing a hen on the ground through the kitchen window and ran outside scolding her. she KNEW she had done wrong. The...
  9. JackAubrey

    What is getting my girls? Warning: Graphic photo

    I had a chicken killed the exact same way. It was early afternoon, and the flock free ranges. I saw a Cooper's hawk in the area, so I suspect that is the culprit/ The other chickens ran into the coop and would not come out even for feed. They actually acted like they were telling me it was an...
  10. JackAubrey

    can chickens over eat sunflower seeds?

    Oh, sry, I saw the answer...duh! JA
  11. JackAubrey

    can chickens over eat sunflower seeds?

    I have a HUGE bag but the seeds are in their shells/hulls. Is that ok?
  12. JackAubrey

    To separate or not to separate, that is the question.

    Will they taste different?
  13. JackAubrey

    To separate or not to separate, that is the question.

    Well I have 5 RIR, and now , 4 SLW, I want to keep the breeds pure, and also, I am raising them for eggs. I really don't want to be making breakfast , crack an egg, and find a baby chick in the pan!
  14. JackAubrey

    To separate or not to separate, that is the question.

    I had 10 hens, until my dog killed one last night! There are a lot of eggs in the coop and my oldest RIR likes to sit on them . Since I have no roo, she doesn't realize they are duds! The whole coops area is 100 square feet. I have 5 RIR and 4 SLW, I want to keep them pure. Besides, I am raising...
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