Recent content by jadelhoch

  1. jadelhoch

    Adding new birds?

    Thanks for the advice... my only concern is that i have a rooster, he is only about 6 months old, my new chicks seem to have two young rooster 7weeks old,, is it ok to put them together ..i have had them seprrated for about 3 weeks , where they can see each other,, any advice
  2. jadelhoch

    Debeaked Chickens-Please Help Me!

    Thaks for the information regarding debeaking, I purchased some from a local farmer. They lay real nice eggs and seem healthy. I did start to give them cat food smached and soaked a few times a week, what i do see is the yokes are getting real orange, is that OK?
  3. jadelhoch

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    Thanks for all the information. I have hatched out some BCM and will seee what happens,, in the mean time,, a very common question.. I have nine.. of whick it looks like 3 have redder and larger combs than the rest,, think they might be cocks,, what is your opnion.. OH they are 6 weeks old...
  4. jadelhoch

    How to make yolks more yellow?

    Thanks for the input,, I have horses so i do have alfalfa cubes,, what i have been doing is adding water to the cubes and than giving them to my chickens. Our neighbor down the street is feeding corn, both our chickens free range. His chicken's yokes are much darker than mine. I am just starting...
  5. jadelhoch

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I am just starting with BCM,, and i am attempting to get some information regarding the breed, and i will show. Have shown dogs, cats and horses, and love competition. going forward I did get my eggs off the internet,,!! I am very happy with the seller and the chicks look like Marans.. HOW do...
  6. jadelhoch

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    I purchased some very nice BCM eggs, and they all hatched out. However even thought i was the first and only person they saw ,, they are all so frightend of me, and anyone. It is very difficult to get near any of them They are 3 weeks old, and I will be putting them out side soon, so here's my...
  7. jadelhoch

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Just need a bit of help.. i just hatched out 12 BCM chickens, the breeder said they are of good lines... my question is they are 9 days old is there anyway to sex them ? some of them have whte eye liner around their eyes?? I suggestions I would appreciate
  8. jadelhoch

    How To Sex A Chicken - Wisdom From An Old Timer

    we had chicks hatch a few days back (5) some of them have their end of wing feathers startig to grow, they actually look like they are hanging ,, is this normal, i had geese years ago and when this happens the wings always hung or were bent outward,???
  9. jadelhoch

    Bethel Farms' French Black Copper Marans Chicks for Sale

    I am so happy that i found someone close to me, I am in Warwick, NY and would like to purchase some Marans and Welsummers.. I have a very nice coop that is preditor safe, and I also have 14 acre that is fenced in .. I am more than willing to go on a waiting list for chicks, or even try my hand...
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