Recent content by jadip4

  1. jadip4

    We caught the varmint .. now what ..

    We couldn't kill her .. let her go a couple miles from the house.
  2. jadip4

    We caught the varmint .. now what ..

    If we had killed the possum, it'd be by way of .22. Done. Not sure why the conclusion of drowning was jumped to. I wouldn't wish that on any critter. However, hubs saw the litter and apparently IS as soft as I am. I got home and he had her loaded on the 4 wheeler. Needless to say, we moved...
  3. jadip4

    We caught the varmint .. now what ..

    Run is 6' tall encased in hardware cloth with a 2' apron. Double locked door. Costs got higher than we intended and we skimped on the ceiling. Figures, right. I had to go pick up DD from a study group. Hubs will deal with our captive when he gets to the house. I left it in his hands ... as he's...
  4. jadip4

    We caught the varmint .. now what ..

    Yes .. it's a danger to personal property therefore we have the right to kill it. Was considering having hubs take it up the road a few miles (where no one lives) and relocate her. Coop locked down tight and run will be getting a hardware cloth lid put on it. Would like a line of hotwire while...
  5. jadip4

    We caught the varmint .. now what ..

    Y'all. I had a broody hen that hatched out 9 adorable EE fluff balls for us on April 15. I shut mama bird and babies in our chicken run by themselves until the babies got a little bigger. Sunday night something climbed the post to our run, tore a 4" hole in the bird netting at the top and...
  6. jadip4

    South Carolina

    Horry County - have some blue and splash Easter Egger pullets that are 7-10 weeks old. Pretty birds, ya’ll .. any takers?
  7. jadip4


    I am amazed at the task you have undertaken here. Go Kiki!:bow:clap:pop
  8. jadip4


    Yes ma'am .. it's mostly grain. The littles are still getting DuMor chick feed but man it makes their poo smelly.
  9. jadip4


    I've used DuMor and Nutrena, but now have the birds on OMC Poultry 17% from an in-state feed mill.
  10. jadip4

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    I got distracted this morning watching Mama chooking at food for her babies. So sweet. They'll be a week old tomorrow. While I'm standing there, the wind blew open the run door ... and the rooster took 3 girls out. I'd have left them out for the day, but we haven't fenced off the garden yet...
  11. jadip4


  12. jadip4

    How hatching works under a broody? Newbie help please!

    Careful .. it's an addictive pastime :gig
  13. jadip4

    To my fellow enablers

    All 5 are here! :celebrate Two splash, three blue. Pretty confident already the last to hatch is a cockerel. Already has black spots in the down like the previous early showing cockerel from the last batch.
  14. jadip4

    Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

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