
My husband and I are retired and just recently gave up full time RVing due to my health problems. We were both raised around chickens but not after we were grown. We have just recently taken up raising chickens again. Currently we have seven hens of unknown breeds.
I was searching the internet to get information on the chickens and found this site.

We live on 30 acres and my husband raises hay on it. He also drives a school bus. I guess you could say those are his hobbies. My hobby is genealogy but it is more like an obsession. I can spend hours on the internet searching for new hints.

We have five pygmy goats three of which were born New Years Day from the same mom. We also have two dogs an 18 month old Chiweenie and a three year old mix of something we got from a rescue.

We have an adopted daughter who will be 50 this year and she has a grown daughter who has a son 5 and a daughter 2. Our daughter also has 4 adopted children, one son and three daughters.
March 2
Central Texas
Real Name
Jan Rubenkoenig
Why do you want to join our community?
To get information about my free-range chickens.



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