Recent content by jatempien

  1. jatempien

    Silver Laced Wydonnette sexing - 2 weeks old - Is it Tina or Tony

    Here are pictures we took when we got them. We texted the pictures with the breed so we could know who was who. Americauna Barred Rock Rhode Island Red Wyandotte (supposedly)
  2. jatempien

    Silver Laced Wydonnette sexing - 2 weeks old - Is it Tina or Tony

    Ideal 236 Pullets Rhode Island Red Pullets Barred Rock Pullets Black Australop Pullets Buff Orpington Pullets Silver Wyandotte Pullets Ameraucana Pullets We got a Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Ameraucana and we thought a silver Wyandotte.
  3. jatempien

    Chicks kicking litter into waterer

    We raised our waterer up by placing it on 3 small upside down plates. This also created a buffer of sorts so they don't kick up as many shavings into the water. They still climb on the plates and can get to water but since the shaving aren't right next to it, it's not as easy to kick them into...
  4. jatempien

    Silver Laced Wydonnette sexing - 2 weeks old - Is it Tina or Tony

    I thought that too, but googling images of chicks seems to show the brown color as well. She may be a Golden rather than Silver, which is fine, but it just needs to be a "she" not a "he". More pics below. She kept trying to lay down in my hands so I had to hold her with her legs handing down.
  5. jatempien

    Silver Laced Wydonnette sexing - 2 weeks old - Is it Tina or Tony

    This is our first time with chicks as our city just recently changed the rules for having backyard chickens. We got 4 females from the feed store, each a different breed and they are developing wonderfully. However, "Tina" (my son has already name them all) has us concerned because she...
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