Recent content by jaw13

  1. jaw13

    Is a two hen flock too few?

    How is your flock of 2 doing? I bought 3 baby hens 3.5 months ago. One turned out to be a rooster and we found him a happy home yesterday. I know the other 2 are freaked out that he's gone. They'll adjust to that, but I was wondering the same thing: Is two too few?
  2. jaw13

    White Rock Hen?

    Thanks! I was able to get a few good pictures of him last night.
  3. jaw13

    fly control?

    I thought I had a fly problem.....Then it rained 4.5 inches across 3 days was cloudy for the better part of a week, then rained another 3 inches. That's when my backyard started looking like that scene from Amityville Horror with all the flies. I put down DE - maybe a little difference? Maybe...
  4. jaw13

    White Rock Hen?

    I'm impressed with how some people can tell the difference between breeds when they look so similar (to me). I don't think I could tell between a white rock, white cockerel, and a white leghorn. Either way, he's a he. He crows now all the time.
  5. jaw13

    White Rock Hen?

    Brown, I think.
  6. jaw13


    Thank you all. My hen is a he. This morning it was clear. He was indeed trying to cock-a-doodle-do. What to do with a roo?
  7. jaw13

    White Rock Hen?

    She is about 12-13 weeks. We got her March 4th and she was already a few days to a week old. The only thing I am sure about is the fact that the guy at the store said it was a white rock. These are the first chickens I've ever owned!
  8. jaw13

    White Rock Hen?

    I was told this was a hen, but it's making funny noises and I've never owned chickens before. Any thoughts?
  9. jaw13


    Oh no! I can't keep a rooster. I love her/him so much! He/she will be staying until I know for sure, but thank you!
  10. jaw13


    Hello! I am new to chickens and to this site. I got 3 babies in early March: a white rock, golden laced wyandotte and a silver laced wyandotte. I designed and built a coop/tractor, but they get lots of time out in the yard. My cats and yellow lab coexist with these lovely birds and all is well...
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