Recent content by JbR

  1. A

    Review by 'Anonymous' in article 'Ridelots24s Chicken Coop'

    Gorgeous coop! Good job & thank you for rescuing the roosters! I would love to have one like this, my hens would too! Would like to see blueprints, or details of dimensions/materials and time involved to improve rating...
  2. JbR

    Topic of the Week - Feeding Treats

    I realize the following links are not .org or .edu! However, this is a good source for ALL the links in one place to the FDA testing & reports since the treat problems started in 2007, as well as government sources in other countries. All easy to access from one place...
  3. JbR

    Topic of the Week - Feeding Treats

    Very informative show! Must watch for everyone who wants to be informed! There are other off shoots of that show on Netflix now!
  4. JbR

    Topic of the Week - Feeding Treats

    This is a very good question! China has been known to irradiate the food and treats for pets as well as use antibiotics and chemicals that are illegal here and this all has proven deadly! For example many dog treats are from China and it wasn't until thousands of dogs died that the treats were...
  5. JbR

    My fresh eggs are hard to peel.

    Thank you for asking & answering the question I never asked & needed to know the answer to! :frow
  6. JbR

    Rats, rats EVERYWHERE! ☹️

    I JUST ran into the exact same problem last month & they got into my screened porch & laundry room too!!! I admit I did not read all 39 pages, I skimmed through to the end... but I didn't see this idea mentioned. Have you tried DIY rat bait NOT poisonous to your animals? I don't use anything...
  7. JbR


    Can anyone point me in the direction of someone who can add me to Florida? I sent a pm to cmom & a BYC moderator several days ago... Maybe everyone is busy with holidays or am I doing something wrong... Thank you!
  8. JbR

    Anything else can I do to up Iseult's chances of survival? Long post, sorry!

    You are doing everything that you can, taking all advise to heart & from the most current video, she doesn’t seem to be suffering... Keep up the good work!
  9. JbR

    What is this??

    When you go under his feathers, does he feel like he could have a fever?
  10. JbR


    you also might want to include picture from further away so we can see the wound relative to the size of your chicken... I’m so sorry that happened to her.
  11. JbR


    If you post on The main page under emergencies and diseases you will get a reply within minutes!
  12. JbR

    My 2 hens have pasty butts, why?

    UPDATE :ya We gave both girls baths! It did turn out that the one whose behavior was more worrisome & the first egg layer (CL) had a stream of stuck excrement that had to be worked out slowly as you mentioned. I cut off a lot of it (very carefully), simply because it was a big chunk. Then worked...
  13. JbR

    Performing necropsy myself

    Also, if you end up sending one off to a lab for necropsy, it should be on ice in a cooler!
  14. JbR

    Performing necropsy myself

    Yes there are diseases/illnesses that can be spread by without completely incineration after death. Just do the research first, if you haven't yet. I am NOT against you doing it yourself... but since this is the third chicken to pass I can tell you that opening her up will unlikely give you an...
  15. JbR


    I am having the same issue! I just sent the question to a byc moderator... I'll let you know if I figure it out!
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