Recent content by JChipowsky

  1. JChipowsky

    How long before trying to incubate?

    Thank you. My girls really give me some beautiful eggs. We ended up putting 12 eggs in the incubator on 3/5 They started piping last Sunday, and were all hatched out by Tuesday afternoon. We got 10 chicks and 2 bad eggs. A really good hatch rate for a "junk" incubator.
  2. JChipowsky

    Brown leghorn?

    We started our group of cream legbars with about a dozen, 2 ended up like yours. They are the sweetest of all our hens and lay a very pretty blue egg. I think they are a cream legbar mix, though with what I don't know. Ours came from Tractor Supply, so Hoover Hatcheries. Not the greatest...
  3. JChipowsky


    A couple months old, but a good discussion to keep going. I got this cheap one off Amazon for my father in-law, he hatched probably about 24 eggs in it (6 at a time), with about a 75% hatch rate. Over the last winter one of the cats knocked it down and it broke. I got a second one for...
  4. JChipowsky

    JC's flock begins

    Babies!....we accidentally got 2 that were supposed to be light brahmas, but one was a very light shelled midnight majesty maran, and one was from our white leghorn/EE mix girl.
  5. JChipowsky

    Crested cream legbar roo over various breeds and possible outcomes?

    These are the first chicks out. We tried to only incubate the light brahmas and cream legbars, but a maran egg made it in. We're still waiting for a few more to hatch, but so far we have 2 light brahma cross, 1 maran cross and 1 pure legbar. (In order from left to right)
  6. JChipowsky

    JC's flock begins

    For future people wanting to know what chicks look like that are light brahma crossed with Crested cream legbars..the 2 chicks on top of the dark one. One has feathered legs and they both have a silvery tint to their stripes
  7. JChipowsky

    JC's flock begins

    We have babies! We learned that we accidentally hatched a maran egg (was really light colored, so easy mistake) 2 brahma cross, 1 maran cross and one pure legbar are out. 3 more eggs are pipped, 4 others that we're waiting to see signs. Don't mind the reptile heat tape, apparently after being...
  8. JChipowsky

    JC's flock begins

    Update. We now get 15-20 eggs a day. We have so many eggs! We decided to incubate some of our own eggs. We took 6 from our light brahmas and 6 from our cream legbars. The roo is a cream legbar. Today is lock down day and we have 2 pips, one of each. After week 1, only one egg had no development.
  9. JChipowsky

    Everything Easter Egger

    I have a couple, and will be making more! 2 were supposed to be cream legbars, but have darker heads with no crest. One we think is an americana white leghorn mix, started off a white bird then started turning brown on top. I just put 6 light brahma eggs in the incubator with 6 cream legbar...
  10. JChipowsky

    Crested cream legbar roo over various breeds and possible outcomes?

    We want to do the following crosses with the Crested cream legbar roo over different hens. Looking for any additional info (pictures if you have the crosses). Light brahmas, I believe this is a sexlink cross with pullets being gold and cockerels being silver/white. Laying a light green egg...
  11. JChipowsky

    How long before trying to incubate?

    We've incubated eggs before. We just collected them from the in-laws. These will just be the first we incubate out of our own hens.
  12. JChipowsky

    How long before trying to incubate?

    Thank you. Our girls have been doing pretty well, only one egg with no shell. Most eggs seem about the appropriate size for the breeds we have. I'm just so excited, it's hard to wait 😆
  13. JChipowsky

    WARNING: Hoovers hatchery

    I've never shipped chicks or had them shipped to me, but I do send and receive reptiles. If shipping chicks wasn't a thing the local farm stores would never have anything that I would want. Locally it's mostly bym, barred rock, Rhode Island red, black austrolorps etc. Most common breeds and...
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