Recent content by jdaly91215

  1. jdaly91215

    How can I tell if I have a quitter?

    Thank you! Tonight will be day 6. I have a bunch that seem to be clears, a handful that look healthy, and one that think is a quitter with a dark mass in the middle, but the shell color makes it hard to tell if there's any veining. I'll see if it floats freely tonight.
  2. jdaly91215

    How can I tell if I have a quitter?

    This is my first time hatching. Can anyone post some candling pictures of eggs that aren't viable? Or post a link to some good examples? I think I have 1 or 2 quitters but it's hard to tell from the few pictures I've been able to find
  3. jdaly91215

    pea gravel for ducks?

    Thank you! That's good to know. I'm planning on lining the entire bottom of the 10x12 pen with 1/4 hardware cloth, then doing half pea gravel (the half with their pool) and half straw/shavings. Guess I'll need a lot of gravel! I think it's great though, easy to keep clean imo
  4. jdaly91215

    pea gravel for ducks?

    I want to use pea gravel for the ducks. What to do about hosing it down in the winter though? Won't it just turn into a sheet of ice?
  5. jdaly91215

    Is scratch grain supposed to be dusty?

    I've only ever bought one bag of scratch, and from the day I opened it, it's always had a lot of very fine, white powder that's all over the grains. Is this normal? Or could it be mold? TIA
  6. jdaly91215

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    If I breed a blue wheaten roo to blue hens, what colors can I expect and would the offspring just be considered EEs?
  7. jdaly91215

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to add a Wheaten or blue wheaten Ameraucana rooster to my flock. PM me with any info. Also looking for a Black Copper Marans pullet. Thanks!
  8. jdaly91215

    Wanted: Ameraucana Rooster near Southern NY

    I'm looking for a Wheaten ameraucana rooster, but would be interested in other red /brown based colors even if they're not standard, as long as the parents are both Ameraucanas. I'd be willing to travel for the right bird.
  9. jdaly91215

    What to feed my ducks?

    I have a group of 18 week old ducks, 4 girls 2 boys, that I've been feeding Mazuri maintenance and southern states waterfowl to. Can I keep them on this and provide oyster shell like people do for chickens? I don't want to put them on layer because I have boys. When do I have to start providing...
  10. jdaly91215

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Hey everyon! I'm in southern NY and will be looking for an Ameraucana cockeral/rooster soon. Do any of you breed them near me or know someone who does? I'm looking for a color besides the solid colors (Wheaton, blue Wheaton ect) and preferably vaccinated but not necessary. Doesn't have to be...
  11. jdaly91215

    At what age will cockerals typically start to fight?

    Thanks for the response, great info. So it sounds like it should be possible for me to keep a few extra cockerals with the flock till butchering age barring any highly aggressive individuals then?
  12. jdaly91215

    At what age will cockerals typically start to fight?

    I want to breed my chickens next year to produce more laying hens and cockerals for meat. How long can I keep the cockerals before I can expect them to start causing problems in the flock? I read that processing dual purpose cockerals at 20 weeks is typical but was wondering if they'll start to...
  13. jdaly91215

    Can I use just primer inside coop without paint?

    Thanks :) how far from the wall should I make the Roost?
  14. jdaly91215

    Can I use just primer inside coop without paint?

    Is there any reason why I couldn't or shouldn't use 2 coats of exterior primer inside of the coop instead of buying paint? Would it be horrible to keep clean? Anyone who knows or has had experience, advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Also should mention, I'm not looking for it to be...
  15. jdaly91215

    Can a 7 day old chick develop a slipped tendon?

    I started the Corid 9.6% because my chicks had some bloody stool and, despite the electrolytes, a few were also lethargic, including this one that has developed the leg problem. She was the most lethargic of the group and had consistent blood in her stool. Since starting the Corid, they've all...
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